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SEEN ease 3 BLEEDING-EDGE Tae TS a aa IACCEVERATED) ‘ ‘ ISTARSHIE, comBAy EPEAT eT hS a VA Lea a we ABSOLUTE i J@iN@ SOLD: ROGUE APPRENTICE WALKTHROUGH FIGTION BY ELAINE CLINNINGHAM ercar) Rene tc Ter cae) Coy Serene eee eee Caos eta terre eget ete ed Se nee ae See een Ree ate tat on ee 2 PO) VOLUME 2 NUMBER 2 THE NEW JEDI ORDER CONTENTS: 72 Fiction Barrir on BOWADAN abnoles hein true Wl gen rt it pad ‘Tae Apprennice He fal it Sale fren ent he utan Va? A estore deine eres of Oe upanigstaransThe NevseltGndar“rk eum ne Special Feature MODEL CiniZeN: CHALMUN’s CANTINA ‘ne ha ating a cont edo thes ies ontna spel acton-guesae motel of Roleplaying Game. Spaceport Guibe: VaVNAL Inpace cae pera nna am shot thine cuures ih atove ar ee nets ilearwn sees rely spe, 1, YUUZHAN VoNG BYDANEL WALACE ‘Wether nto sot began epaotonef heaton erg invic it tenes or ee an al chan ong pect enourestopgy nang et Faster, STARFIGHTER! KILL! KILL eae ou demande Weads fhe Gur SLO dats aa echpennng uly espana esta a png came preset rf te tne. Gataxy’s Most WANTED ambos rent Rete! et Fatt of The Nee Oe ke Errante non ae Dice, CAMERA, ACTION! foningsmestcanedcegrenardtinevts ea diverse 78 Sarara’s GUIDE: THE PRIAPULIN fc are pt ep lg dndenhuon tobe sige sitting SPECIAL Ops: THE SECTOR RANGER Fovcertresthe Setar angers ave pt rer hough talsyduriathe Od Rep th Galati snow the eo ue SPECIAL OPsi THE MERCENARY oes the olde cls aloe have what talestokey your ner enacharo she! Koh ts sldercandel css ome Youth pret ager at tue nds abate bi esa ef hay fe roid Meals Adventur: Hive OF THEINFIDEL, DY AMID NOONAN WITH PETER SCHWEIGHOFER aliccarharhanj cad tolithe eight Chore ‘dct sda lero hepa ens sption A tr Beng ome etry hn gh. Topsipe INFILTRATION sar reeR ScaWeiGiorek Calo Nemms pata este estoy oe ot nat soe nt ‘its rot inpenetable at yas bid ufone iro reeset eights tale A Str War Rly State of the Arts LUcaSARts GAME PREVIEWS AND STRATEGY este Xb ne sr Wc ODan wt ta sop le pint waaugh comers exis we le a ie goin rege teller nea Departments FORCE FEEDBACK ....... JEDI COUNSELING |... Rocurs GALLERY: YOUZHAN' JEDI MIND TRICKS, Deck Pans f LIGHT SIDE DARK SIDE ........ alnile T=) , af... ere eee aa eee eee ree Pee vanes ara corget those maniacs who flame each other over whether something's canonical in the Star Wars gaiany. The Expanded * Universe isa wonderful smorgasbord, and if youcome across something you dant lite, {ont put it on your plate.No pity for the fool who moans because he ate a pickled egg lust to complete his collection. The canon question is simple for gamers: Ifyou like it, then it’ “game canon.” Card gamers have known this all along, with theme decks pitting characters who weren't even alive. the same time in hheaul-to-head conflict. Princess Leia fighting Droidekas? Why the heck not? With most computer games, there's no question of crossing the streams, but Galactic Battlegrounds, for example, lets you take on the Imperial Atmy with your Gungan warriors. Logical? Not really. Canonical? Not even close. But its plenty fun. ‘My D&D group has been too busy to play this year—and now insist on GMing Star Wars instead. Some of the players want to stick to traditional fantasy, so need a sub- tle menu totempt them away from their standard fare. Fortunately, the Expanded Universe provides plenty of choices. Before venturing beyond the basics, 1 ‘mace a list of 10 things that should be in a Star Wars campaign and checked off the cones that fita traditional fantasy world. Cisiase [| The Dark Side ae Boe Imperial Walkers (Z] X-wings & TIE Fighters [7] Bounty Hunters Bl Lightsabers: Armed with these food groups let's con- sider what dishes to prepare. Let’s base the ‘campaign on a planet that’s been cut off from the rest of the galaxy for centuries. Those who stil live here don't remember the greater galaxy since the time of a cata. clysm, and their fallen society has risen back only to Medieval-Renaissance levels. The Force exists, and whilethere are no Jedi (yet) there are still wizards here and there—similarto the witches of Dathomir. Naturally, some of the campaign's vilains must be darksiders. That's a no-brainer. The other Star Wars classes work just fine, although Fringers might have ittle to do in the beginning, Since Im sick of elves, giving the players a choice of Humans, Wookiecs, Trandoshans, Bodlans, and Ithorians sounds great. The aliens don't even need new names—they already sound fantastic Induiging my own taste, | borrowa few things from Nousicaa, one of my favorite films and comics, Monstrousinsects inhabit our planet's vast poisonous forests.The sen- tient species eke outa livingin those few areas that remain pure, and occasionally they discover artifacts from the time before the cataclysm, ‘Thats not really Star Wars, so 'm tempted to discard the idea entirely—but then it makes me think of the Yuuzhan Vong and their biotechnology, which is different enough from traditional technology my D&D players might buy it as the Vong itis, and perhaps our planet isan early, forgotten outpost from the Vong’s first explorations into the galaxy. That's a start, but there's plenty more planning to do before we start cooking. Want to help in the kitchen? Send your sug- gestions via email, and maybe one of your ingredients will end up in the soup! aol Dave Gross TE es he New Jedi Order serles, Fyou haven't heard, isshaking up the Star Wars galaxy. in some weys our heroes are facing specters of past conflicts dis aster on a galactic sale, Jed! targeted for extermination. poltical infighting. and shifting alliances. At the same time, new wrinkles in the fabric ofthese tales keep it fresh andinteresting—the Yuuzhan Vong, extra-galacticinvaders, are unique in ‘mary aspects.Seemingly non-existent in ‘the Force, the Yuuzhan Vong see the Jed as the ultimate threat to thelr conquest of the known galaxy, ‘This ssue we bring you plenty of New Jedi Order goodies: Part! of Greg Keyes’s “Emissary ofthe Void’ seral,a campaign {guide to playing Yuuzhan Vong, an adven- turefor Yuuzhan Vong heroes, a Yuuzhan Vong "Rogues Gallery,” and more. Judging by al theletters we've tecelved, this Isjust what you've all been waiting For We've got a pretty good idea of what you're expecting to find when you open a ‘copy of Star Wars Gamer Stil, there those among you that feel we've"hit pretty close to the mark” but haven't quite bulls-eyed the womprat, so to speak. Oth- ‘ers seem ready to “rip peoples’ arms out of thelrsockets"What we're hearing most often, though, how much you love the 10 vo.ume 2, numper 2 Se always amazes me how Star Wars an elicit such strong errotions. Michael Mikaelan ManagingEditor Lat the Wankiae Win? was angered by the uncalled for conde- scension in your response to the letter from Sean H. (‘Bane of His Existence,” star Wars Gamer #6), Hebrought up valid con- ems about the content of your magazine and was met with what you yoursett termed "browbeating.” You might intend the Gamerto comple: ment “the entire spectrum of star Wars products;"but iit unreasonable te aska Imagacine published by Wizards of the Coast—whose main StarWars product is the roleplaying game, and who publishes ‘wo magazines devoted entirely to Duw- ‘EONS & Drscons—te dedicate more ofits pagesto their own game? Your defense of the inclusion of fiction is especially specious. GMs need inspira. tion, there are literally hundreds of star ‘Wars novels, comics, nd other spin-offs reaching back 24 years, with many more axriving monthly. Yuuzhan Vong Invade Gamer You asked for it You might have a license to publish arti- cles about Star Wars video games, but the fact remains that there are plenty of places to read about those products. To my knowledge, there s only one magazine in ‘which one can find supplemental materi alsfor te releplzying game. fone does not wish to play aTateoine, Naboo, or Living Force based campaign, ‘the main source of support has been Star Wars Gamer. itany wonder that some pleyersare concerned thatyou continue to devote a quarter of your editorial content ‘tonon-RPG material? Those 23 pages Issue 6 could've goneto another adver ‘ture, more aliens,mare planete—in other words, more useful information for starv- Ing GMs David Thiel Champaign, Uke the mighty chewoacca, David Isall crunts and growls on the autside, but Inside he’s aloveable teddy bear. Allhe really wantsis tohave as much Star Wars roleplaying coverage as these pages can contain. There are many reasons why this won't happen, not the least of themthe fact that roleplayers are only part—albeit a vey important and vocal part—of the Star War; auciencs.| went through the trouble of listing themall, then realized it doesn’t makea difference what | say. Instead, il let theother readers speak for themselves Don't Go Changin’ Like the previous two issues, Star Wars Gamer #6 had much te offer. | enjoyed the ‘write-ups on Dengar, 410M, and Zuckuss (CHow the Other Half Hunts?) ve won- dered what happened to thaze three dur ing the time of the New Jedi Order. The artile was almost as good asthe one on the Emperor’ Hands (The emperors Paws” Star Wars Gamer is) Since you asked, here are a couple suggestions: Fist, con't gt id of Deck Plans!” ‘Though Idont ply the card games, the articles are amusing t read Second, keep the updates on minor characters and ‘worlds. They make excellent Gm charac ters. Also, keep adding starship deck plans in each issue. Though you use the d20 rules for their design and | stl use the WEG game system, am able to convert them formy game. ‘An issue on the Yuuzhan Vong would be greatly appreciated. want to runa cam paign set during that time, but Ido not feeli have enough information on their ships and culture to run t propery. Lastly | have a request for "Rogues Gallery” the artwork isalways good and shows a great variety of aliens exch sue, bul ve only seen one template" for Human characters My eequastisfor differ. cent Human “tomplates’to be offered rep- resenting thedlivesty of Humans, Thankyou and keep up the great work! CChuistopher Davis Fairfax, VA I's wonderrul to near trom reacers that love Gamer even though thay don’t use the roleplaying statistics. “DeckPlans” isn't going anywhere. Beginning in Star War: Camer'to it willexpand to Hval “State of the Arts” in size The New Jedi Order Sourcebook and this issue of Star Wars Gamer combine to give youall the details youneed to incorpo- ratethe Yuuzhan Yong Into your game at heroes or adversaries. When it comes to “Rogues Gallery.” we dont play favorites. rs difficult to pro- vide an image of each core species, let alone the full range of aliens, all the time, If we included more Humans, non- Human heroes would barely have ary. representation. What you can look for- ward tos seeing some Humans in nearly ‘every iccue’s installment of Rogues Gallery? Spece Madness We are so glad that various computer games keep the Star Wors legacy alive. With this outlet, the story will always con- tinue. There isan outstanding video game that my wife and Lenjoy immensely called Alien vs Predator. lish (and I know i protably will never happen) that some company would produce a Star vars. StarTrek video game. Can you imagine howa game lke this would sell By the bi tions krowy, fm only dreaming. Joe & Larette Lambert Colgate, 0K. Unfortunately, dreaming is still your best shat at avoiding the harsh reality that sucha game is highly unlikey Not Bountiful Enough | Just finished reading Star Wars Gamer #6, and thought ld pass along some thoughts |1was Icoking forward to the bounty hhunter issue, and while| enjoyedit, I was also disappointed. There was no mention f Bcba Fett or even a hint abour the mys- terious Jango. know full details are avail ablein other products, but il would have been niceto have something about them Inthis issue Their cence madethe ue seem somewtial empty. Asfor Kathy Tyen’s story. ittoowasa dicappoirtment. something about bounty. hhunters—however tangential—would have been appropriate. Rebel Bass” Sec) Back Issues en en ee Seren ne ed etn nea ate oto Bemis "gam Ce Pree am ered Pere e ae ae eee ence Tg eon ees Sey See cae cee ara ee cee eran ecg een Ceo ener ie Se ee ue" adventures Be eed Cr en fot corn amar | worth eect cee ce NS Ree re Living on the Fringe! Huge Bar Pete ted Sees Deemed ee Pane eet ee ee i] een ety seemed rushed ahdnasn't one of he best AMter Balance Point and Truce at Bakura we know she is capable of far, far more \enjoyed seeing the Hoojb ("Welcome to ‘he Jungle"|and“Bountles io De For“ven here, though, there seemedsome confu- sion. Why wouldan imperil database citi sate imperial practices in one spot then spoutall-is-well impesial propaganda in another? Itwas aso good to see the Dgrk Horse characters giver some attention. Your video game coverage was exem- plary.plenty of seen shots ated enough ‘ech talk for me understand the game before | buy it:| hope that Star Wars Carmer will not always praise every game that comesout.a reader vill appreciate honesty mere often than be comforted by theparty line lice tosee more fiction, more adver: tures, more in-death articles less basic game play, and no more silent Death. Give ime a ten-page article on devin basalsany cay. Sean Twist Londen, Ontario canada With nothing new toadd to Boba Feit’s profile, it would have been hard to justify adding him to isue #6. By now you. should have Gamer 7, which has stats and deck pians for Fett’s Slave listarship. That should help ease that empty feeling. You'll notice that thisissue’s fiction (‘Bat- tle onBonadan"and“The apprentice”) s dosely tied to The New Jedi Orcer theme of thisissue. The IK database is obviously subcontracted, as the Empire isknown for its scernfulsentiments toward the bounty bunting trade Ifyou liked “state of the arts” befere, you're going to be ecstaticabout it fiom row en. In this issue we goin-depth into Obi-Wan and Galactic fattlegreunds and rext isue will be burstingat the seams with information strategy andexclusive screen shots. Alas, silent Death well,thereare no plans todo any more. Silent Death (orten-page articles on ovin basal), but this issue does feature a great new take on the starship combat. rules.Check them out! we knew thee €8) The Jedi Returns—Again! a Rene et eee Pon 1 Sees penetra et enna ee Peco coca eit Cee a ped Een) ener eee a ee eg retry eee eee ey ee ee Pee ee ees ee ee ene oe ica ena tcnte Pee et ae Te ees a eet cad eee eo Seen es Pe eee erento eee ree a Laboda na Rawka? Just bought star Wars Gamers, Great {bl Kere are some suggestions to make the magazine even beter. Fest, las roleplaying content. dont play,s0 "ma litle bissed here but there are other things besides pages of roeplay- ing stats that you could focus on a well Second, your Huttese article ("Words to Live By star Wors Gamer #5) stated that modern Huttese started abouts00 years ago and that there is evidence of ancient Hultese 1000 yeats eyo. tn the book The ‘Hutt Gambit, says that ld Hutts can ive doseto a millennium in age. Itrakes litle sense that Huttese could progress sa quicky, even through only one generation of Hutt. Aso, itsays Hutt have been cv ‘zed for much longer than Humans and ‘onsider themselves higher beings than all others inthe univers, Therefore calling them rougher and less refined would bea mistake aswell. \ncpe you take these suggestions into Consideration and nct lt his kind of mis: ‘ake go unnoticed again, ‘asonGinter Juneau, AK Ebenn Q3 Baobab has been known to “elaborate? from time to time. tis tue ‘that modern Huttese has evolved aver the last 500 years. The Hutts, however, havent changed physically n millennia. Baobab's differentiation between “ancient Huttese” and the spacies'current tongue's lie the difference between modern English and that of Chaucer, Don't Hea Slave Hove yourmagazine,and |especally like maditying your adventures for my own campaigns However | don't want totake many leads from The New Jedi Order series {for fear that the next book will unravel all my herd work, Thus far,you've not printed adventure from that time period. Any hope you'libe printing one soon? ‘Ao, would ite possible to print sub mission guidelines for adventures? Ikniow continued on page 126 Fen Se cantsea baterin eter hanatth.? firing on multifre, during the same round? The rules seem unclear, except that I get a big penalty, ifm reading thisight. ‘The rules are pretty specific, explaining the effects of autofire. multfire. Multi- shat, Rapid Shot, and a weapon In your off hand. According to Chapter Bof the core julebook, wielding a second weapon in your off hand gives you one extra attack only, regardless ofits setting. You «an sill fire your primary weapon in mul- tifireor autofire mode, but not your eff. hand weapon. Using aweapon In your offhand does not double your numberof attacks in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Fit did, Ambidexterlty,Two-Weapon Fighting, and Improved Two-Weapon Fghting would be the no-brainer featsof the game, and al soldier heroes would look atk. ‘Think about it this way: Using the multi- fire option of blasters is a fulltound action. SoS using the Force skillarrect Mind, Can you use both during the same round? One pplication uses your hand, the other your head. those are two separate things, right? So why can't you use both at the same time? Because you can Leke only one full- ‘ound action in any given round. We built that into the dzo cy:tomto keep thing: from getting out of contiol, According to The Derk Side Sourcebook, page 9, you need only Exotlc Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber) to use a doubl bladed lightsaber a an ordinary light- saber it doesnt state whether you would need Exotic Weapon Proficiency (double- bladed lightsaber) to use it as a double weapon—and! have a playet who is mak- ing acase that t's not needed. What's the verdict2 The éoube-bladed ightsaberwori just like an ordinary ightsaber—even with both Answers to Your BY JD WIKER blades ignited—it you have only Exatic ‘Weapon Proficiency (ightsaber) The second biade is completely ignored if you don't want to suffer the ~4 penalty Ifyouwant to ‘make the additional attack allowed by the second blade, you suffer a~a penalty for ‘non-proficiency and the normal peralties for fighting with two weapons(as the table on page 59 of The Dark Side Sourcebook points out) Can you expend additional Force Points ‘when constructing lightsaber to gain bonuses tothe varlous rolls? The task of ‘making a lightsaber takes more than one round, and the bonuses from the expendi- ture of a Force Point last for only the round that the Force Point was spent. The book says that the checks are made at the same time, but does that mean that the ‘Constitution, wisdom, and inteltigence ‘checks to “harmonize the Fores,”“harmo- nize the self,” and “harmonize and imbue ‘the crystals” can all be performed in the ‘same round? Would one Force Point aidall three ols? Yes.aledi hero could expend one Force Point to imbue the focusing erystalswith the Force—and then spend another Force Point on he three ability checks to Improve har chances of successfully preparing the ‘crystal. The Crat(lghtsaber) check to assemble the components takes place after ‘his and can't benefit from the Fores Point Spent on the three ability checks. The Jedi ‘ould expend yet ancther Force Point to Increase her chances on the Craft check. Does the sith sword gain the damage bonuses based on levels ors it restricted to the Foice-derived bonus damage only? ‘The Sith sword operates completely diffe ently fforn the lightsaber, so it does not gain the igntsaher damage bonus based on the hero's level JEDI COUNSELING Star Wars RPG Dilammas n you use Force Mind with Knight Mind?” For example, can aed) guardian with both feats frst activate Force Mind for a2 to any ablty score),and then activate Knight ‘Mind (or a-44 in any ability score Would that then be+6 to any one ability score? Force Mind and Knight Mind both provide “Force bonuses," which do not stack with ‘each other-The same goes for Master Mind, ‘Jedi could however, sustain multiple uses cof feat ike Force Mind, asthere’sne restriction on theamount of time you must ‘wait before using the feat again, ‘The Dark Side Sourcebook isn’t learon how to play someone with cortosis weave in theirarmor. For instance, if Ihad a jumpsuit woven with cortosis fibers and someone swipesat me with a lightsaber, dol take no damage? There are varlouskinds of crtosis armors, from the “shields? wom by the Vinchorr warriors in the Dark Horse comic Jedi Counci:Acts of War,to the cortesis ore that appears in Timothy Zahr’s Hand of Thrawn ‘duology. Corcosis weave (as In the armor in The Dark Side Sourcebook) shuts the lightsaber off after it has inflicted its dam- age. Cortosisore (as we saw In tre Hand of Thrawn) woiks the same way, except of course that theres ne wearer—the eortosis Itself suffers the damage. & cortosis shield shuts the ligntsaber off before it inflcts damage. Recetiveting the lightsaber @ free action—if the led thinks ta do so— but that action cant be taken in the midst of afullattack action so no taking the first attack, reactivating the saber, taking ‘the second attack, reactivating the saber, and soon. Isit possible to lose a prestige class? For ‘example, if you have takenon adarkside Prestige class and you redeem yourself so you have no Darkside Points, you obviously can't bea dark side hero—but the rules don't cover anything about losing a pres- tige class. Would you lose everything that class gave you? That doesn't seem logical, because howdo you lese a sil that you've already learned? laherono longer meets the recuirements fora prestige class, she loses all special abil- ties gained from levels of the prestige class. This can happen either from reducing hero's Dark Side Pointsor the temporary lossrafearaue to abity damage. sie retains the vitality dice base attack bonuses base save bonuses, bonus feats, Defense bonus, and Repuitation bonut.The hero won't leze cil rank but could lose acosss {o cerlain Force sillsifshe no longer ‘meets the prerequisites forthe still (such as ‘these that require Sith Sorcery). & eet reir See Ree Ren Oe Tener [arom SEI =e Perino Penenceoee) Coste ese ren tne in in the subject) Observations & Clarifications: OO eee cy Oe ee eee and-level scoundrel/soldier whe wants to usea lightsaber. Ho says that he should be allowed to because, from a player’s per Peers ‘weapon; and in character he says heis Gee meee n Pe ene eet! eee ee Pe ners ee ry Pee ee ee Pere ee eee ei Sere ered eee erecta Pree useage ey eerie Rpts ae eae DR goes ener} levels and improved his damage), but Ren eae eae nrc Rees ro eee cd Peta ae een’ Pore neuer cream eee ererexu neers Seto eat oe ae ey emer eee ee try Tee ea ers Peace eu ee one} Cee ee he a era Profciency orit,ifthey feel that person is worthy At the veryleast,theirmasters ee Pree tee! een teen ees to the Jeci Temple on Coruscant to ask the vverysame question.) co eee OR Despre caer Pee ene is Co eee ee Se ‘one should not wield it without knowing rence ei eee ieee nee ee ere eT Eee tee) Cees ieee thana Jedi because he docen't have to Pees a econ Jedi who gave that hero a lightsaber in the eee poe ee ny Ce eee een ry ere eres ey eee ees ee era ren eee mrs Coy a eee eee ee oer ett cd Jedi Code.fycu donot. nt enly wll people eee eet cee kee Imperial Dispatch The Dark Side Sureabook Page 61, Table 42: Dark Armor Special Qualtiog, under Cortorl Page 21,DarkSide Devotee, under requirements Weave effects ‘Move Objects nota requirement to become adarkside devotee. the Eghteaber age 23,Dark Side Marauder, under requirements ‘The Base Attack Bonus requirement is only 4, rot #3. edi sidebar Page 31, Corry Clatfcation: Trading in levels means that you lose all thefeats or ‘Clarfcation: When a lightsaber strike: armor with cortosis weave, lets its damage before deactivating. Page 8, Aurra Sing entry, Foice Stills ‘Aura Sing hculd have prchaged her ranks In Force Push Move ‘Object, and See Force as crosi-class skill, rnaking their true totals Force Push +4, ove Objects ard See Force+5. seta abiltles ofthe levelsyou trade, as wall as base attack \ bonuses save bonuses, Defense bonuses, lightsaberdamage, and Page 88, Aurra Sing entry, under Feats, reputation scares. You retain your skillranls, Force Points andDark Aura Sing should Fave the Dodge feat. Side Pont, You Eannot trade in o many levels hat youno longer . ‘alifyfor the Sith prestizeclass(by sing eves atwhicivou Baye az, Darth Vader entry. under Feats gained the feats Control, Sense, or alter, for example Darth Vader shoulchave thefeat Alertness Oats &, a = Yuuzhan Vong BY GREG KEYES vl thats interesting ld Lechett theught, 2s 2 pait of feminine legs in black tights came hurling overhis left shoulder. Above the tghts he was vaguely aware of ‘darkyyellow skirt and, even Farther up,a young, deter Inined face framedin short darkhai.But twas the feet thatheldhis attention as they hit square in the center ofthe table at Which fe and his companionssat, shocting their drinks Inco brief stiborbits Then the feet were gone, popellinglegs yellow shirt, and allan estimated two meters up and one out toward the balcony. above them. Searing fsshes of weapon fire hissed by and Uli found hishand gropingat an empty holster “Stop herl” Someone behind Uldir shouted ‘Two of his three companions, Uidirsaw, were also reaching for Weapons that werent there: The third, a hurmen woman with star tling platinum halt brushed fleck af Caralian whisky fam the longscarbeneath her left eye. {needa new diink,"she noted, as another volley of yellow “streamers seared by, striking the synthewood balcony the gi had managedto grab. The patrons of the inthe Red cantina werediving away from the newly declared war-zone, but the music fromthe band continued to blare cheertuly over the sound of Weapon fire. “thatolocals"leaft growled, thumping the curled fist of his foot ‘the table and scowiing as onlya Dug can scowl A glance over his shoulder confirmed what Uldir already sus- pected: The gis pursuers were Corporate Sector Authority aw ‘enforcement, the only people on Bonadan allowed to carry ‘weapons.From the color and intensity of thelrbeams, he figured they were using a stun setting, and in any event their target was defintely the gel, who wae now uraplast outskirts of thespaceport. ei ae Abel came rear enough to curtis eyebrows, and he gathe‘ed that he had becomea substitute target Several moreshots sranged around the barge’ edge, and witha wordless cuehe Jecked backintomoton, éropping back nto the barge so tg eou Use the raised lip as limited caver. His hand itched for his blaster that vac etl onic chip, ‘Thepllots were smart. Four stayed back, laying downa sorta perimeter of fire that kept him boxed othe barge. The ith zoomed in lower focusing on hitting him, He tried to leat his mii, feel the shots corning before they did. but his Jedi trahinghadbeen ‘mostly wasted-—he had ro naturaltalent forthe ores. Stil,now and then, his luck wes unusual encugh to suggest thet Master Skywaker's academy had left nlm with something. Thistime, he didnt think he would be as hucky 2s usual When sirth flerrese up from below the karge, scarcely two meters te! right, Fe was sure of He winced as blasters fied. But the bolts seared over his head and struck the fer harace him atelose range, and his focus suddenly changed, centering on {ms yelowana-iack aa gue ate conto the new aes vessel. The figure wa: gesturing impatiently : ““Youdontthave totell me twice," Uldr muttered, Sill ing the more distant fire, he ran toward thefllerand|jumped in.The instant he was on board, the gil punched the throtle, weaving through anet of white bolts “Thanks, sald ‘Usa tyr eet te gi sapped. "Why wero chasing me?” "Ididn’t knowyouwere Jed." ‘The girl banked crazily and éropped low toward the landscapes "I thinkyou really want altitude,here headded, : “ean? Yeu want to fy” “Um—olay!" “Gest.” she let goof the controls leaving Uldirto dive for them before the fier macked into atranemiszion tower. Meanvile, she ‘went back werk on whiteveg was strapped toherleg. “Didn't know | was Jed? That's why everyone dlseisafter me” “Ithought you weie a thief," Uldirexplainad, nosing up in time to ‘avoid a serious insult from caberent light and charged paricles a “why are they after your” "Becaialim el Ary spice Dont you pow eve planetin the gale scrambing to tum usove' to th Yuushon = asin coche “Ineary got turned in myself” She laughed. "Youre no Sea” ‘That stung morethan Ulclr cared to admit. "ey. be rice tame.t saved yourskinny...eryourskin” "aad returned the favoy,'she -eminded him, "We're even nov. ~S0.Why would anyone ty to turn youlbr” UllirFipped a lock ofhis chestnut hair away from his ees.“tina rescue fl" he sid, “An expartner of mine tured out to be Peace "tiga, and he found aut once attepded tne sedi academy. He a arranged an ambush | was lucky to get ou of That was right after the Yuuzhan Vong warmaster annourced that fall the Jedi were tried oer tahim held stop conquering the galaxy" He hock his | head “As anyone ould relly believe that” Oy Nealtende Mast Shaler aac? Te gl ake, © | skeptical © sthere another?” aay a a: —“Ididn’t have any aptitude forthe Force though,’ Uldiradéed. | So much isobvious"the gil said “Yeah, thik you mentioned that." Ullr sad, vering sharply to pert, where the police lets were trying to flank him and! ie ‘tee nere* me gancea over nis shoulder. "wy name Ula. by ~ Ms, “WE'RE DOOMED.” jin-Fa Gi, at your sevice” she said grimly. You almost got me ed, Uli Dat doit again” i try not tp, Klin-Fa Gi. Stay down. Wee going totakesorne hits” ‘Not fi have anything tosay about it” For thesecond time tat night, she leaped past him, landing with feline grace on the prow of te cpaerlor Sha stead thoro,a porfoct target forthe swo fiers they were baneling toward.Then a srap- iiss aried over the wind, anda sliver of yellow energy appezred in Ger hands cutting qoleiy into iguieelghtard sending pal of blaster bolts hurnming offinto the wastelands, thats what was tayed to her leg Uldit concluded. Kin-Famust ae Walled in ror of ne ofthe wenponssersorsthatBonadan guess | have shieldsinow” Udir murmured thumbing the fie controlsen his stick and inking starboard. His shot was Jon, frying the opposing Miers stebilze It went spinning of und below. Sone, he thought, asKlin-Fa ereculed another crazy series of gs tat eta Mr uscatety ery tie “HE GRINNED TIGHTLY, REMEMBERING WHAT VEGA 0 SAS: “IF” 15 JUST A SHORT WAY OF - neath them where the ed's lightsaber wasnt. He letthe fief