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if (select version from CINF) >= 880000 begin

select t0.ItemCode ItemCode, t1.ItemName ItemName, t0.WhsCode Warehouse, t0.OnHa

nd OnHand,
(select coalesce(sum (Quantity),0) from OBTQ where ItemCode = t0.ItemCode and Wh
sCode = T0.WhsCode) OnBatch,
((select coalesce(SUM(ABS(t2.StockQty)),0)-coalesce(SUM(ABS(t2.DefinedQty)),0) f
rom OITL t2
where t2.DocQty > 0 and t2.StockEff = 1 and t2.ItemCode = t0.ItemCode and t2.Loc
Code = t0.WhsCode)
+ ABS((select coalesce(SUM(ABS(t2.StockQty)),0)-coalesce(SUM(ABS(t2.DefinedQty))
,0) from OITL t2
where t2.DocQty > 0 and t2.StockEff = 1 and t2.ItemCode = t0.ItemCode and t2.Loc
Code = t0.WhsCode))) / 2 ForComplete,
t0.OnHand - (select coalesce(sum (Quantity),0) from OBTQ where ItemCode = t0.Ite
mCode and WhsCode = T0.WhsCode) (((select coalesce(SUM(ABS(t2.StockQty)),0)-coalesce(SUM(ABS(t2.DefinedQty)),0)
from OITL t2
where t2.DocQty > 0 and t2.StockEff = 1 and t2.ItemCode = t0.ItemCode and t2.Loc
Code = t0.WhsCode)
+ ABS((select coalesce(SUM(ABS(t2.StockQty)),0)-coalesce(SUM(ABS(t2.DefinedQty))
,0) from OITL t2
where t2.DocQty > 0 and t2.StockEff = 1 and t2.ItemCode = t0.ItemCode and t2.Loc
Code = t0.WhsCode))) / 2) Difference
, CASE when t1.EvalSystem = 'B' then '***Actual Costing***' else t1.EvalSystem e
nd as 'Valuation Method'
OITW T0 inner join OITM T1 on T1.ItemCode = T0.ItemCode and T1.ManBtchNum = 'Y
inner join OWHS t3 on t0.WhsCode = t3.WhsCode and t3.DropShip <> 'Y'
left join (select ItemCode, WhsCode, sum(Quantity) Qty from OBTQ group by Item
Code, WhsCode) tblCalc1 on tblCalc1.ItemCode = t0.ItemCode and tblCalc1.WhsCode
= t0.WhsCode
left join (select ItemCode, LocCode, Coalesce(SUM(ABS(StockQty)), 0) - Coalesc
e(SUM(ABS(DefinedQty)), 0) Qty
from OITL where DocQty > 0 and StockEff = 1
and LogEntry not in (
select a.LogEntry from OITL a inner join OITL b
on a.ApplyType = b.BaseType and a.ApplyEntry = b.BaseEntry
where a.ManagedBy = '10000044' and a.StockEff =
1 and a.ApplyType not in (17,163,165))
group by ItemCode, LocCode
) tblCalc2 on tblCalc2.ItemCode = t0.ItemCode and tblCalc2.LocCode
= t0.WhsCode
where T0.OnHand - Coalesce(tblCalc1.Qty, 0) - Coalesce((tblCalc2.Qty + Abs(tblCa
lc2.Qty)) / 2, 0) <> 0 or T0.OnHand < 0
order by t0.ItemCode, t0.WhsCode
select t0.itemcode ItemCode, t1.itemname ItemName, t0.whscode Warehouse, t0.onha
nd OnHand,
(select coalesce(sum (quantity),0) from oibt where itemcode = t0.itemcode and Wh
sCode = T0.WhsCode) OnBatch,
(select coalesce(sum(t2.docopenqty),0) from osrd t2
where t2.itemcode = t0.itemcode and t2.WhsCode = T0.WhsCode and t2.direction = 0
and docopenqty >0) ForComplete,
t0.onhand - (select coalesce(sum(quantity),0) from oibt where itemcode = t0.item
code and WhsCode = T0.WhsCode) -

(select coalesce(sum(t2.docopenqty),0) from osrd t2

where t2.itemcode = t0.itemcode and t2.WhsCode = T0.WhsCode and t2.direction = 0
and docopenqty >0) Difference
from oitw t0 inner join oitm t1 on T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode
where t1.manbtchnum = 'Y'
and t0.onhand - (select coalesce(sum(quantity),0) from oibt where itemcode = t0.
itemcode and WhsCode = T0.WhsCode) (select coalesce(sum(t2.docopenqty),0) from osrd t2
where t2.itemcode = t0.itemcode and t2.WhsCode = T0.WhsCode and t2.direction = 0
and docopenqty >0) <> 0
order by t0.itemcode, t0.whscode

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