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Digital Graphic Narrative Planning

Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents.

There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You
should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that
context rather than just as a college project.
My preferred paper type is a 120gms un-coated finish, as it will tie into the old timely feeling the books border
and cover create, and a 300gms board cover, the cost of this type of paper and cover is around 15 per book.

Available resources:
Resources that are available are, the internet where I am collecting textures. In my project I am using
Photoshop to rotoscope around illustrations I have made and scanned in, so I will need access to scanners,
pens, paper, pencils, rubber, and Photoshop.

I think that this book should be a batch production of around 300 at first and released as a limited time offer.
After that re-release in mass production for book stores and supermarkets, in higher quantities of around
5,000 at a time, more if there is a higher demand. Copys also made for library and school releases.

Audience and Target Market:

It will be aimed at junior schools, and children between 6 and 10, with out a gender specific aim, and a target
of middle classed people. By using locations that are typically used in fairy tales, this will link it to other tales
and be more compelling for children to want to look at. By using stereotypical fairy-tale clothing it will have an
old time feeling so that the audience gets a sense of magic that would appeal to young children.

Quality Factors:
To produce a high quality book I will follow my plan and schedule, any over lap will be made up I my free time.
I will have my work saved by name and in files labelled specifically for the content. I will have multiple copies
of my work saved after every session, on the computer, memory stick and emails. Minimal distraction while
working and feedback on the work each time is needed to increase the quality of the work.

Codes of Practice:
Publishers contracts, under the publishers association codes, must be clearly stated in non-ambiguous
format and jargon; and must be followed by both parties. In the contract it must state, who has ownership of
the copyright, and the payments/ loyalties the author gets. The publishers must also keep the author informed
on any book design changes, promotional work, marketing and any sub-licencing; all relating to the authors
right to share success of the work. Overall the publisher must work with the author and acknowledge the
authors rights.

Under the definition from the toy safety directive 2009/48/EC my book doesnt constitute as a toy, so there is
not a requirement of a CE logo. My book doesnt violate any of the obscene publications act 1959 or the
equality act of 2010; despite having mild under representation of age, gender and race, however still having
some range in all three aspects.

Originally a Brothers Grimm story, the riddle is less known, and an under represented tale, it has no
copyrighted retellings as of October 18th 2016. My version will be the first time this story is represented on its
own and not in a full collation of stories.

A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which
you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.
If there is a resource you dont currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.

Do you have

What do you need to do to get it?



Use of both home and college computers.

Pens/ pencils






Production Schedule:

College scanners are available.

Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in
to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will
also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work
faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are.

Health and safety:

Your health and safety and that of
those around you is very important.
Just like in industry, an accident
could prevent you from working.
Whilst we dont work in a highly
dangerous environment, there are
still risks. Some are short term, such
as trips and spillages whilst others,
such as long term damage to
eyesight or back problems, may
affect you much later in life.

Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from
Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work.

Health and Safety Issue

How can you prevent it?


By taking regular breaks from looking at the screen,

college has this set out, but at home I need to remember
to take breaks.

Developing back problems

To prevent back problems you need to, sit with out

hunching over, feet on the ground, and no over reaching.
Also take breaks and stretch.

Electric accidents (Electric shock)

To avoid electric shock, all wires must be in good

condition, and use caution with water around the technical
equipment used.

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