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Hananiel E.


Grade-8 Zeta

Composition #2: Cause and Effect

Maam Gem Capuno

The Effects of Mercy Killing in Hospitals

Imagine a body excruciatingly being broken down by an unseen and uncontrollable invader.
And now, there is a law preventing anyone from ending that suffering. This practice or act is
what we call euthanasia or mercy killing. In some sources, euthanasia exists in four
categories: The passive euthanasia, active euthanasia, voluntary and involuntary euthanasia.
Passive euthanasia is the act of removing all treatments and forms of life support intended to
prolong life or cure illness, and allowing the patient to die of natural causes.Active euthanasia
consists of an outside force actually causing the death of the patient, or hastening the death
with the use of drugs and other tools. When the patient is fully competent and capable of
making this life or death decision on his or her own, it is considered voluntary euthanasia. If
the decision is made for the patient, due to him or her being rendered incapable of this
sentient conclusion, it is labeled as involuntary euthanasia.
I will tell you a story of a mother who have a daughter which is a blood cancer/leukemia
patient and a stage 4 cancer survivor.They are not that wealthy, the doctor told the mother of
the young girl that she will undergo many and different kinds of operation. Her mother cried
because operations will cost a big amount of money. Her mother dont know what to do and
then her husband said that watching our daughter suffer is hard. It stirs up in us discomfort,
its not just physical pain, which have many effective treatments for; but her debility,
dependence, fatigue, sadness and loss is hard to watch. We should let her go. The mother

agreed and the family also agreed. They decided to kill her instead of watching her suffer by
mercy killing.
Todays hospitals are overcrowded and have too many patients. Some argue that they should
let those die that do not have a chance of living on. In that way there could be more room for
patients with diseases that can be cured. The argument over euthanasia is complex and multifaceted; particularly dealing with the responsibility of those involved in the act. Many people,
in the argument against euthanasia, claim that if euthanasia were made legal in the United
States and some other countries, physicians would abuse this law.


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