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INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT MAN 506 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVE! LOPMENT RESEARCH PROJECT/TERM PAPER Paper Type : Individual Worth: 40 % ( 1096 from Presentation and Division of labor in group and 30 9% from paper) Deliverable: presentation slides (ppt file) & project report (doc or pdf fle) Due date: week 14-15 for in-class presentations ‘You are required to choose one of the following Modules. Module 1. Write a paper about one of the topics given in following section asa proceeding format including = Abstract = Introduetion - Literature Review y mb ~ Conclusion and Discussion No @ Us - References (at least 10) . Module 2. You are required ~to find a scale which measures issue regarding one of te topics given in following section, - to prepare a survey, ~{0 deliver it to atleast 50 employees/managers in a company or companies 5 Cas - to collect the surveys and \ - to report the results briefly. ‘Term Paper Topies 1. Human Resource Management problems of state-owned companies (in BiH). 2. Human Resource Management problems of private companies (in BiH). 3. Business ethies and Corporate social responsibility of companies and HRM relationship (in Bit), 4. Importance of code of ethics in organizations. 5. Do organizations in BiH have a code of ethies or ethical stance? 6. An initial analysis of Human Resource Department of an organization (for example, a large department Rane manufacturing company, hotel, or nonprofit organization such as a hospital or school)'s major Human Resource problems or issues in BiH. ~ What challenges confront the HRD of organizations today—for example, in its efforts to reeruit employees, to lay off them, to increase their performance? 7. Workforce Diversity issues (in BiH). 5. Ethical approaches of managers to their employees in state-owned companies (of Bil), 9: Ethical approaches of managers to their employees in private companies (of BiH), 10. Employees job satisfaction and their commitment to their organization in the companies (in Bid). |. Any other topie that is related to Course content can be chosen. (But, you should inform Lecturer) Important Points About Term Paper 1: An individual must choose one of the topics and Modules and inform the lecturer until Week 5 2.4 module and topic can be chosen by more than one individual. 3. Every individual must give the reserach project on time. ery individual must present the paper to the class. +. Term paper must consist of 10 pages for Module I and 5 pages for Module 2

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