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The aircraft has:

Basic Empty Weight (BEW) is the weight of the aircraft "as built" and includes the
weight of the structure, power plant, furnishings, installations, systems and other
equipment that are considered an integral part of an aircraft before additional operator
items are added for operation.
Dry Operating Wieght (DOW) BEW + Weight of Crew (Pilot + Cabin including their
bags) + Pantry
Operating Weight (OW) DOW + Takeoff fuel (i.e. Ramp Fuel - Taxi fuel)
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) DOW + Payload (anything put on the aircraft
that generates revenue to the company, e.g. passenger, baggage, cargo, mail and fret)
Maximum Taxi Weight (MTW) MZFW + Ramp fuel
Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) MZFW + Takeoff fuel, or MTW - Taxi fuel
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) MTOW - Trip Fuel

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