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In this essay the general thoughts of God are that he is not an Omnipotence being but

rather an idea of self-awareness of man as a whole. Sartre tells a story of an

artisan creating a paper knife which introduces the idea that essence precedes
creation. However, man first existed then recognised his own existence and
subsequently created himself to be as he saw fit. Therefore, man is a unique being who
cant be tied to a creator in order to be defined. Since God is non-existent man must be
responsible for his own behaviours. He cant blame his creator and exclaim that he was
just made this way. Per Sartre you are made by your own hand and as such are
accountable for all your actions and by living by those actions you are demonstrating
what you imagine man ought to be. If you put forth a possibility you are saying to the
world I condone this this is what man island should be. furthermore, there is no further
potential that could be buried deep in your soul. Our daily decisions reaffirm your
actual self and no amount of wishful thinking can make you into something other than
what you show yourself to be. People are not born with a destiny to be one thing or the
other but rather forge their own destiny with every decision that they make. For
example, you cant claim to be a coward because being a coward is an action not an
ingrained part of your chemical makeup. Our only destiny is that which you create
yourself despite your circumstance rather than because of it. This should not be a
source of discomfort but rather one of hope as you are responsible for yourself
and have the ability to create yourself in any way you chose. I found that Blade Runner
related two this reading in two main ways. The replicants who struggle with their
humanity can never be and will never be human. According to Sartre their essence
preceded their existence. They were in fact created with a purpose in mind
and therefore will always have a sort of fail safe for their actions. They can rightly say
this is the way I was created and take little responsibility for their actions thus deeming
them nothing but a computational simile of humanity. The secondary part is the
awfulness of the Hero Deckard. He seems to occasionally struggle with the idea that
the replicants are far too human to be comfortable with retiring them yet he follows his
orders anyway much like a machine would. His entire personality is teeming with 'what
I should be according to circumstance rather than 'what I can be or 'what I want to be.

It is an interesting concept that the hero of the film is a man who is blindly following
what he
thinks is his destiny chasing down replicants who are robots that somehow dream of
a brighter future.

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