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Hello, my name is Janise Wright. Im
22 years old and currently a student
at East Stroudsburg University. I
was born in New York and moved to
Pennsylvania when I was 12. Some
of my favorite things to do is watch
TV, listen to
music, and
time with
and family.
Ive known
that I wanted
to be a teacher since I was a little
girl. I want to be a teacher because I
love being around children. Theyre
a lot of fun and so eager to learn.

Favorite Quote
Albert Einstein once said A person
who never made a mistake never
tried anything new. This quote is
saying that if you dont try
something new or take a chance and
make a mistake youll never learn
from them. I like it because
whenever Im afraid of trying
something new I think back on this
quote and it gives me the motivation
to take the chance.

Goals for Learners

My goal is that the students believe
that they can do anything they put
their minds to. It might be a little
hard and take time, but if they stick
to it and keep trying they will

Educational Websites

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject in school was
always art. I loved to draw, paint
and create things with clay. I also
love that theres no right or wrong
way to express yourself in art. Art
class was a great way for me to
release whatever I was feeling into
my work and still have fun.

My Advice
My advice to young learners is to try
your best at everything you do. If
you do your best youll do great in
school. Also remember that the
teacher is there to help you so dont
be afraid to ask for help if you need
it. Work at your pace, dont try to
rush to finish your work before your
friend or before its due.

Janise Wright
The purpose of this newsletter is to introduce myself to the students. This
newsletter gives the students and their parents more information about me.
For the students to get to know me a little better.
The intended audience for this newsletter is the students of J.M. Hill, parents
and guardians.
Type Faces:
Serif- Bookman Old Style (text body)
San Serif- Century Gothic (heading)
DTP Design Principles:
1. Dominant Element- The dominant element in this document is the image
of the woman listening to music.
2. Legibility- The body of the text is written in Bookman Old Style, and the
headings are in San Serif. The size font for the headings is 12, the text
body is 14, and the heading is 50.
3. Alignment- Both the headings and the text are aligned to the left.

4. Grouping- The text is separated by subject matter. The first grouping is

labeled introduction and this is where I introduce myself. The rest of the
document follows the same pattern.
5. Balance- The columns are even on both sides
6. Unity- All parts of the document fit together as one.

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