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Khylie Kate D.

9 Justice

November 18, 2016

Mrs. Marylou Cirilo

Gangway For Destiny

By: Samuel F. Gaches
Today is not yesterday.
Yesterday we were in peace.
Today we are at war.

Yesterday were in the humdrum of even tenor sedentary life.

Today we tread on the gangway that leads to destiny.
One soldiers on the battlefield in Lingayen, in Vigan, in Aparri, are making history,
remaking it for our children and our childrens children.
You who are in Manila or in the provinces, the store clerk, the salesman, the street
cleaner, the attorney, the physician, the bureau clerk, the street car inspector, the bus
driver, the newspaper carrier, the milk man, the stevedore, the movie house usherette , the
cochero, each of you is also making and remaking history.
You are also in the gangway that will lead you at a rendezvous with destiny.
Your serenity and poise, your equanimity and calmness in the face of danger.
Your loyalty to your daily duty, your fortitude, your patriotism, these are the intangibles
that will help our soldiers win the war.
Do you part and victory will be yours.
Will you march ahead of the gangway for destiny now that your country needs you most?
Yours is the reply.

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