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Caitlyn Coville
Professor McGriff
ENC 1101
My Reflection of ENC 1101
What does someone typically expect going into their first college level composition
class? A lot of essays, many more pages, and a way stricter teacher! Thankfully, in my case, I had
two wonderful teachers who taught me new ways to write a simple essay. With Prof. Richman I
learned how to write a Critical Analysis essay, and Prof. McGriff taught me how to properly use
grammar, how to write advanced essays.
I came into the classroom nervous for all that was coming toward me. Nevertheless, when
I was introduced to the material I wasnt nervous at all. I received a good grade for my first essay
so I was on the right track. I again became nervous when I was told we were getting a new
professor. Who was she?, Is she nice?, Will her material/grading be stricter?. As soon as I met her
though, I wasnt nervous because her material was close to Prof. Richman. The first essay we
learned with our newest professor, Prof. McGriff, was a compare and contrast. At first, I received
a 1/100 and was in total shock. I looked in the comments of the essay and she told me all what I
needed to review. I fixed all my mistakes and then got a 96/100. She is a great professor who is
very helpful! For the rest of my essays I got As or Bs and I was so proud of what I
accomplished. The grammar was fun to learn as well. We did different activities to learn and then
got packets that I always got As on.
My experience in this class got me ready for Composition II without me being nervous. I

of course was challenged in some aspects but I learned a lot from those challenges. The skills
that Ive acquired will be used in all my future essays and or just normal work.

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