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Janesha Blakney

FRST 101.07
Professor Basu
September 1, 2016
Reflection Paper 1 (The Scoop)

During the event The Scoop I found out who my academic coach was and all of the
other different ones. I learned that the academic coach is like your mentor, they will help
make sure that you stay on track academically and meet with you and help you with different
things like offering you tutorial services. You can go to them whenever you need to. They
help you develop and achieve your academic and career goals and success skills. They help
you get involved in the community and at the school. Academic coaches help you pick out
your classes so you can register for classes to ensure you're registering for the right classes.
They also host an event each month for students to come out and interact with other students
and get them engaged. They offer different mentoring program to help you get adjusted to
college life. They also offer different support services for students to help us transition to our
new journey. During this event I saw all of the academic coaches perform telling us about
different resources that are available on campus. Students meeting and bonding with their
academic coaches .This event was very entertaining and informal because I would have
never known if I did not come to this event. I saw students interacting with each other
through playing different games to get to know one another.

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