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Sebastian Rafael Ramos Mesa

The publicist has the ability to perform all tasks that concern the creation of the image
of a company and its promotion in the world, its main function is to generate emotions
and expectations in all consumers, so we can understand that A publicist has to
dominate every market and he has a duty to improve the performance of the companies
in which he works.
The publicist has as his main function to design, plan and create strategies with the
intention of achieving a better performance in the market, he has the duty to use
techniques such as merchandising, branding, etc.
It has to develop the best strategies to position itself in a market, thanks to globalization,
is becoming bigger and important globally, the emergence of new technologies to give
a very favorable result for the advertising environment, as it allows us Sending
information to levels never expected.
The publicist has to recognize the traditional media as an effective means of
communication, but not specifically economic, he has to handle it with ample ease and
is able to elaborate from simple radio commercials to generate infomercials for the
television environment.
A good publicist has to be very creative and always has to be generating new content,
even generating media where he can advertise the brands, generating a substantial
increase of the goal in question.

Job possibilities:
-Advertising agencies
- Public relations agent within a corporation
-Central of television or radio media.
-Department of marketing within a company
-Production of audiovisual media
-Community manager
-Sales executive

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