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I sit, waiting for my friends to arrive.

It's been a little over a month

since I've been a fictional character.
Karkat comes and sits down next to me. He closes his eyes and
irritably rubs his temples.
"Bad day?" I ask.
He growls and puts on his headphones. He always listens to music
when he's upset. We're best friends, and even though we're not similar at all,
there's this connection, you know?
I pull out my book. It's not very good, but it was the first thing I found
this morning. It's about a librarian with a secret life; someone who lives here
since they're a fictional character.
Soon Sollux comes over. He pulls out a nintendo game console.
Without looking up, he asks, "Ith Karkat having a bad day today?"
I nod. "As usual."
Kanaya sits down too. She soothingly rubs Karkat's back. She's sort of
like his mother. Morails.
Speaking of morails, mine sits next to me. She slaps me on the back.
"Vriska! Do you always have to do that?"
She chuckles and sits back down, next to John who came who-knowswhen.
After lunch, we all make plans for tomorrow and head our seperate
ways. After mostly everyone has left, I stand up and walk towards the park.
A hand is put on my shoulder. It is Karkat, with his headphones draped
around his neck.
"Where are you going?"
"To the park."
His face slightly reddens. "Can-can I come with you?'
I slip my hand in his. "Sure."
It's a beautiful

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