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7 Physical & Health Education Puberty

Subject: Physical & Health

Date: 19/08/16

Time: Block 1

Intended learning outcomes


Students will further develop their understanding of the appropriate and inappropriate terminology
Students will further develop their understanding of the male and female anatomy
Students will further develop their understanding of the changes that occur to both males and females
Students will gain an understanding of the different parts of the body and their use

Criteria for successful meeting of outcomes


Students will have written all vocabulary words in their vocabulary builder
Students will have an understanding of the purpose and meaning of puberty
Students will complete anatomy work sheet
Students will have an understanding of their bodily parts and the use of each

Structure of Learning Activities

- Students will be introduced to what will occur throughout the lesson
- Students will be reminded to do the do now task if they are not already doing so
Body (80-90min):
Do now:
- Rule up pages and write PUBERTY as heading.
- Look up the definition of penis, vagina and breasts and add to vocabulary builder
Activity one: Purpose and meaning of Puberty
- Ask students if they know what puberty means
- Give students time to look up definition and add to vocabulary builder
- Discuss with student what they believe the purpose of puberty it and why they think
- Allow time for students to look up the correct purpose of puberty
Activity Two: Bodily Changes Reflection
- Ask students what changes they can remember without looking in their books
- Encourage students to list a range of changes from male, female or both
- Discuss the types of hygiene considerations we need to consider when going through puberty
Activity Three: Your Changing body Quiz
- Students will complete a short quiz
- Students will be required to like the numbers 1- 10 in their work books
- Students will be asked each question one by one
- Students will then be required to answer either a T for true or and F for false
- After the quiz is finished the teacher will go over the answers explaining why it is a particular answers

Activity Four: Anatomy Bingo

- Students will be split into groups of 4
- Students will be given the male anatomy first
- Students will have to use the cut out cards and place them in the correct location on the body
- Students will then yell bingo when they believe they are done, first group to finish with the correct
answers wins
- This will then happen again for the female anatomy
Activity Five: Male and Female Anatomy
- Students will begin learning the purposes for different aspects of their body.
- Students will be given a work sheet which they will stick
- Each work sheet has number which they will write down a short explanation/definition of what the
body part does/is
- Students will look at two views of both the male and female anatomy
- As a group we will work through each aspect starting with the female anatomy first and then the males
Activity six: Question Box Answers
- Teacher will read out the question (s) that was put in the question box
- The teacher will ask the students if anyone believes they know the answer
- Teacher will answer the question (s)
Leave Pass:
Students will have the opportunity to put a question in the question box
Students must have the following definitions in their vocabulary builder:
- Penis
- Vagina
- Breasts
- Puberty
Resources required for the lesson:
White Board Markers
Question Box
Bingo Penis and vagina cards and sheets
Spare coloured markers
Body changes quiz
External and internal definitions
External and internals worksheets

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