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Daniele Faith Smail

Unit Library
September 19, 2016
1. the Caterpillar by Erin Turnley
I love books that are on YouTube for children because it lets them hear a story
from a different reader than you. This book is mainly information for the children to
read. There is not much of a story but, still useful for in the classroom. This is a great
technology tool for your online library books for your children because they can hear
the story at home too. A great way to get the families involved with the childs
Charlie the Caterpillar by Dom Deluise
This book is an actual story that young children can listen to. This book gives
general information throughout the story that many children may not even realize. I
would use this story when the children need a little break between lessons because the
story is short and it reinforces what the children are learning in science while in
reading class.
A Butterfly is Patient By: Dianna Hutts Aston
This is not a story but explains the process of the life cycle of a butterfly. This
book also explains why butterflies are important to our world. I like the information
in this story because it also explains each butterfly if they are poison or not. This story

will give the children extra information they may not have known and reinforce what
they have already learned. This could inspire children to learn more about butterflys
because this book may give the children question they may not of thought about
4. Ipad- A Monarch Butterflys Journey By: Suzanne Slade
The children get to read a story but yet they have to find the eggs and caterpillar
through out the story. The story can be read to the child or they can read themselves.
4. Ipad Bella Butterfly By:
This book is on the Ipad for children. I love the pictures with this story. The
pictures are almost 3D like so the children feel they are actually watching what
happens in the life of a butterfly. They learn how a caterpillar acts before the
chrysalis and then into the butterfly. They then get to learn the behaviors of a
butterfly. The book is very interactive for young children and will keep their
attention for a long time.
5. Ipad The Caterpillar and the lady bug
This is another book on the Ipad. The book is very interactive for young children.
The child my listen to a story or create there own story. I like the child can create
their own story because it is using their imagination. The child then may want to
share their story with the class. This book uses what the child already knows and
what they just learned. Only thing this app is .99 cents.
6. The Lifecycle of Butterflies by Judy Bums
This book is awesome for young children because it has actual pictures in the
book for the children to look at. The book talks mainly about North American

butterflies which is awesome information for the children to learn about what type
of butterflies we have here. There is a total of 23 butterflies talked about in this
book. The book also talks about what plants the butterflies like and dislike.
7. Life Cycle of a Butterfly by: N/A
This book has very detailed photos of butterflies. The pictures are as close you can
get for a picture. There is great information in the book for young children. The book
is very simple but, has a lot of information. The book is for ages 4 to 8. There are a
total of 32 pages.
8. The Life Cycle of a Butterfly by Colleen Sexton
Once again this book has actual pictures of butterflies. There are total 24 pages in
this book. You can either buy this book or have it on a tablet for the children. I
would have the book both ways for the children. If you get the book on the tablet
it will read to the children which are good for students who struggle with reading.

Butterfly app By: N/A

The children get to interact with this app. They learn each part of the butterfly
along with the life cycle. The app is very colorful so it will get the childs
attention. The child can create there own story once again. If you want put the
children into a group and let the group come up with a story to share with the
class. They have to work together with the information they have learned and

10. Ipad App- A Butterfly called HopeThe story goes through where the butterflies live and then goes through the life
cycle. At the last part of the book it gives extra information about all types of

butterflies. So when you are doing a research type of a project this book would be
very useful for the children. If you have children that just love butterflies then this
book is very useful to give them extra information they may be interested in.
11. Angelina and the Butterfly by: Katharine Holabird
Angelina a mouse, who finds an injured butterfly, decides to take the injured butterfly
home until the butterfly is back to health. When the time comes to let the butterfly go,
Angelina doesnt want to let the butterfly go. She goes on a journey with her new
friend. Will she let her butterfly friend go? The authors first book was published in
1983. She graduated from Francis Parker School in Chicago and got her B.A. from
Bennington College in Vermont. She got married and lives in London, England. She
was also a freelance journalist for a short time.
12. My, Oh My A Butterfly! All About Butterflies By: Tish Rabe
This story is about The Cat in the Hat and his friends. The Cat in the Hat and his
friends observes a miracle in their garden. They find butterflies and butterfly eggs.
They get to see the egg to the butterfly transform before their very eyes. This
book is 48 pages long and is for ages 5 to 8 years of age.
13. Butterfly Butterfly: A book of Colors By: Petr Horacek
This story is good for children 3 to 7 years of age. The story has 16 pages. The
story is about a little girl named Lucy. Lucy sees a butterfly in the garden along
with a beetle, dragonfly, and ladybug. She plays with the butterfly in the garden
in hopes the butterfly would be back the next day to play but, when she walked
out to the garden she saw something different. What did she see? Well, you will
have to read the book to find out what she saw. The author is Petr Horacek who is

an illustrator and painter who trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. He
was a graphic designer before he started to create childrens stories.

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