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KHPS DLL meeting

2016.11.15 Conference Rm
Meaghan, Pauline, Caroline
Staff survey results:
More integration in teaching and student learning.(Leah),
Learning new educational Apps and how to use them effectively (
instructional strategies using handheld devices (Pauline)
Have a better understanding of using the computer - I am not a
"tech" person. ( Bonnie)
Having students create work using Google slides or imovie (with my
grade 1's) (Kristine)
ipads w/ primary (Jamie)
I am really excited to learn more about how technology can benefit
early learners. ( Lesley-Ann)
Learn more about what I can use in the classroom with technology
and find appropriate apps for kinders ( Anne)
Twitter: Heather, Laur, Lesley-Anna
Documentation & Assessment:
Laura Bennett ( student assessment)
I want to learn more about how I can efficiently document student
learning using technology. (I would love to get students involved in
this too...not just as a teacher tool) ( Lesley-Ann)
Improve digital assessment and feedback ( Adam)
Documentation in the arts - balancing it with so many students and
to ensure I have tangible documentation for assessment and
evaluation. (Kylie)
Provide instant feedback to teachers & students(Laura Kitney)
Documentation of student learning using handheld devices ( Pauline)
Finding and using more French apps with the students ( Kristine)
Use Read & Write in the French classroom ( Sue)

A to M/R (Natasha)
To R ( Shannon)
developing framework for school & community use of technology & student
learning Pauline, Caroline, Meaghan
DL team: Leah Seah, Anne Seniuk - time to meet? CONFIRMED F. 11/25
Meaghans focus: 3 days release? How to use?
Jason Rodger?
ITAT: Google Read & Write training
Specific contact/email to organize small groups?
To consider: load on teachers
Two-fold Focus:
Meaghan: moving from M to R, French,
Caroline: documentation/assessment/Feedback Assessment tools

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