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Peer DebriefingsDanesha reply to Hassan

Peer Debriefing: Participant Observation

Peer: Iqtidar ul Hassan
Peer Debriefer: Danesha Winfrey
Overall Comments
Iqtidar provides a good overview of his participation as in international student in an American
Independence Day celebration. Still, Iqtidars narrative could have benefitted from descriptive
language and more effective use of covert language. Nevertheless, he provided good examples of
dialogue, and he used observer comments well. He provided a great site for participant
observation and he has done a good job of relaying how he has incorporated himself as a
Helpful Hints:
Overall, Iqtidar has provided a good foundation on which to bolster his participant observation
notes, the scene was a great choice. He made good use of the conversations, yet he could have
provided for more interaction and body language. The conversation that he had with the young
man about religion was particularly interesting to read, and I would have liked to have known
how others were reacting to the conversation, as well as Iqtidar and his participants body
language while talking. Iqtidar should also make use of the text keys covert language, as he
had sparse examples, yet none of them were identified according to the text key. Using more
descriptive language of the participants and the environment would also be most helpful to the

Iqtidar should practice using descriptive language of environment and participants

Iqtidar should practice using more covert language

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