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X, a widower, died leaving a will stating that the house and lot where he lived cannot be
partitioned for as long as the youngest of his four children desires to stay there. As coheirs and
co-owners, the other three may demand partition anytime. (1%)
The spouses Peter and Paula had three (3) children. Paula later obtained a judgment of nullity
of marriage. Their absolute community of property having been dissolved, they delivered P1
million to each of their 3 children as their presumptive legitimes.
Peter later re-married and had two (2) children by his second wife Marie. Peter and Marie,
having successfully engaged in business, acquired real properties. Peter later died intestate.
1. Who are Peters legal heirs and how will his estate be divided among them? (5%)
2. What is the effect of the receipt by Peters 3 children by his first marriage of their
presumptive legitimes on their right to inherit following Peters death? (5%)
TRUE or FALSE. Answer TRUE if the statement is true, or FALSE if the statement is false.
Explain your answer in not more than two (2) sentences. (5%)
1. The doctrine of "processual presumption" allows the court of the forum to presume that
the foreign law applicable to the case is the same as the local or domestic law.
2. In reserva troncal, all reservatarios (reservees) inherit as a class and in equal shares
regardless of their proximity in degree to the prepositus.
3. An oral partnership is valid.
4. An oral promise of guaranty is valid and binding.
5. A dead child can be legitimated.
Four children, namely: Alberto, Baldomero, Caridad, and Dioscoro, were born to the spouses
Conrado and Clarita de la Costa. The childrens birth certificates were duly signed by Conrado,
showing them to be the couples legitimate children.
Later, one Edilberto de la Cruz executed a notarial document acknowledging Alberto and
Baldomero as his illegitimate children >with Clarita. Edilberto died leaving substantial properties.
In the settlement of his estate, Alberto and Baldomero intervened claiming shares as the
deceaseds illegitimate children. The legitimate family of Edilberto opposed the claim.
Are Alberto and Baldomero entitled to share in the estate of Edilberto? Explain. (4%)
On December 1, 2000, Dr. Juanito Fuentes executed a holographic will, wherein he gave
nothing to his recognized illegitimate son, Jay. Dr. Fuentes left for the United States, passed the
New York medical licensure examinations, resided therein, and became a naturalized American
citizen. He died in New York in 2007. The laws of New York do not recognize holographic wills
or compulsory heirs.
1. Can the holographic will of Dr. Fuentes be admitted to probate in the Philippines? Why
or why not? (3%)
2. Assuming that the will is probated in the Philippines, can Jay validly insist that he be
given his legitime? Why or why not? (3%)
Ramon Mayaman died intestate, leaving a net estate of P10,000,000.00. Determine how much
each heir will receive from the estate:
1. If Ramon is survived by his wife, three full-blood brothers, two half-brothers, and one
nephew (the son of a deceased full-blood brother)? Explain. (3%)

2. If Ramon is survived by his wife, a half-sister, and three nephews (sons of a deceased
full-blood brother)? Explain. (3%)
In 1986, Jennifer and Brad were madly in love. In 1989, because a certain Picasso painting
reminded Brad of her, Jennifer acquired it and placed it in his bedroom. In 1990, Brad and
Jennifer broke up. While Brad was mending his broken heart, he met Angie and fell in love.
Because the Picasso painting reminded Angie of him, Brad in his will bequeathed the painting to
Angie. Brad died in 1995. Saddened by Brad's death, Jennifer asked for the Picasso painting as
a remembrance of him. Angie refused and claimed that Brad, in his will, bequeathed the painting
to her. Is Angie correct? Why or why not?
Arthur executed a will which contained only: (i) a provision disinheriting his daughter Bernica for
running off with a married man, and (ii) a provision disposing of his share in the family house
and lot in favor of his other children Connie and Dora. He did not make any provisions in favor
of his wife Erica, because as the will stated, she would anyway get of the house and lot as
her conjugal share. The will was very brief and straightforward and both the above provisions
were contained in page 1, which Arthur and his instrumental witness, signed at the bottom.
Page 2 contained the attestation clause and the signatures, at the bottom thereof, of the 3
instrumental witnesses which included Lambert, the driver of Arthur; Yoly, the family cook, and
Attorney Zorba, the lawyer who prepared the will. There was a 3rd page, but this only contained
the notarial acknowledgement. The attestation clause stated the will was signed on the same
occasion by Arthur and his instrumental witnesses who all signed in the presence of each other,
and the notary public who notarized the will. There are no marginal signatures or pagination
appearing on any of the 3 pages. Upon his death, it was discovered that apart from the house
and lot, he had a P 1 million account deposited with ABC bank.
1. Was Erica preterited? (1%)
2. What other defects of the will, if any, can cause denial of probate? (2%)
3. Was the disinheritance valid? (1%)
4. How should the house and lot, and the cash be distributed? (1%)
John and Paula, British citizens at birth, acquired Philippine citizenship by naturalization after
their marriage. During their marriage the couple acquired substanial landholdings in London and
in Makati. Paula bore John three children, Peter, Paul and Mary. In one of their trips to London,
the couple executed a joint will appointing each other as their heirs and providing that upon the
death of the survivor between them the entire estate would go to Peter and Paul only but the
two could not dispose of nor divide the London estate as long as they live. John and Paul died
tragically in the London Subway terrorist attack in 2005. Peter and Paul filed a petition for
probate of their parent's will before a Makati Regional Trial Court.
1. Should the will be admitted to probate? (2%)
2. Are the testamentary dispositions valid? (2%)
3. Is the testamentary prohibition against the division of the London estate valid? (2%)
Raymond, single, named his sister Ruffa in his will as a devisee of a parcel of land which he
owned. The will imposed upon Ruffa the obligation of preseving the land and transferring it,

upon her death, to her illegitimate daughter Scarlet who was then only one year old. Raymond
later died, leaving behind his widowed mother, Ruffa and Scarlet.
1. Is the condition imposed upon Ruffa, to preserve the property and to transmit it upon her
death to Scarlet, valid? (1%)
2. If Scarlet predeceases Ruffa, who inherits the property? (2%)
3. If Ruffa predeceases Raymond, can Scarlet inherit the property directly from Raymond?
For purpose of this question, assume all formalities and procedural requirements have been
complied with.
In 1970, Ramon and Dessa got married. Prior to their marriage, Ramon had a child, Anna. In
1971 and 1972, Ramon and Dessa legally adopted Cherry and Michelle respectively. In 1973,
Dessa died while giving birth to Larry Anna had a child, Lia. Anna never married. Cherry, on the
other hand, legally adopted Shelly. Larry had twins, Hans and Gretel, with his girlfriend, Fiona.
In 2005, Anna, Larry and Cherry died in a car accident. In 2007, Ramon died. Who may inherit
from Ramon and who may not? Give your reason brieftly;
-XDon died after executing a Last Will and Testament leaving his estate valued at P12 Million to
his common-Iaw wife Roshelle. He is survived by his brother Ronie and his half-sister Michelle.
1. Was Don's testamentary disposition of his estate in accordance with the law on
succession? Whether you agree or not, explain your answer. 2.5%
2. If Don failed to execute a will during his lifetime, as his lawyer, how will you distribute his
estate? Explain. 2.5%
3. Assuming he died intestate survived by his brother Ronie, his half-sister Michelle, and
his legitimate son Jayson, how will you. distribute his estate? Explain. 2.5%

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