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Besides Alcohol, any substances that can inhibit the growth of

microbes ?
FORMALDEHYDE because, Formaldehyde kills bacteria by creating a
network in the bacteria dehydration. According to Dewi (2010)
aldehyde element in it is easy to react with proteins, because when
inserted into the media, formalin protein will bind elements ranging
from the surface to continue to seep inside. Proteins that have been
damaged, will not be used bacteria to metabolize and generate
energy, so there is no bacterial growth because they a source of
nutrients for growth has been undermined by antibiotics formalin.
IODINE because, Mechanism of action of antiseptics against different
microorganisms, for example by dehydrating (drying) bacteria, oxidize
the bacterial cell, mengkoagulasi (agglomerate) of fluid around the
bacterium, or a bacterial cell poison

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