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Julia McQuaig
Mrs. McGriff
ENC 1101
Little Red Hunting Hood

The brusque crunch of leaves startled Little Red Riding Hood that early morning since
she was alone on the forest path. Her eyes darted back and forth as she heard yet another
disconcerting sound. Could that have been a growl this time? She pulled her red, sparkly cloak
tightly over her face as if it might protect her from whatever foul being lurked behind. She
shuddered at the thought of crossing the dark forest alone. Perhaps she should have brought her
boyfriend to walk with her. Red, whose real name had been almost forgotten by all of her friends
at school, couldnt help but scold herself. She didnt need anyone to protect her. She could take
care of herself. Dont forget why youre doing this, she muttered. Grandma is sick, and she
needs you right now. Dont stray from the plan. Meanwhile, a wolf stalked the small girl
through the woods, marveling at her shiny, red hood. Surely such a small girl would be easy to
trick into being his dinner, but what was she saying about a plan? The wolf decided to ignore his
suspicions. After all, she was only a silly little girl. A cunning wolf tried to eat the little girl, but
his plan was thwarted when Little Red Riding Hood revealed herself to be a very capable
huntress, luring the wolf into a trap and killing him.
A few moments later the wolf made his move, not realizing that his attempt would be
thwarted. He jumped out in front of the small girl. She did not scream as he had suspected or
even tremble with fear. Her eyes remained oddly steady and locked on his. The wolf stood on his
hind legs, using his natural charm to subdue her surprise when she realized he was a talking


wolf. Good day, child, he cooed. My name is Jeremy Wolfe. I hope you wont mind if I walk
with you for a while. He did little to hide his own surprise when the girl called Red said
nothing, simply continuing along the path. He followed close behind her, motioning to the
beautiful flowers detailing their way. Look at these beautiful flowers, he said. Wouldnt you
just love to stop and pick them? He felt very comfortable with his plan to stray her away. Every
little girl loved to pick flowers. However, he was once again disappointed. She turned up her
nose, having more interest in texting on her phone than picking flowers. I dont know any
young girls who dont like to pick flowers, he growled, becoming frustrated. Red smiled at the
wolf in a way that seemed too mature for a girl of her age and stature. A hunter is looking for
you, Mr. Wolfe, she said fiercely. You better watch out. Jeremy bristled angrily at her tone. He
was going to have to try a new tactic if he planned on eating tonight.
After Jeremy realized he was getting nowhere with Red, he decided he would have to
take matters into his own hands before Red revealed herself to him. He knew she was hiding
something, but would have to wait for her to reveal exactly what. He had heard her muttering to
herself about a sick grandmother, hadnt he? Now there was an idea! Wouldnt it be simply
delicious to have them both to eat? Racing ahead of the unsuspecting little girl, he cried out with
delight. What a foolish young girl! he crowed into the sky. They will both fall into my trap!
He knocked on the door of the old womans cabin in the woods. He lightened his voice and took
advantage of the grandmothers poor hearing. Hello, Grandma. Its me, Little Red. He waited
for the door to creak open as a wrinkly, white haired woman lifted the latch. Ahh! she yelled
out in surprise as Jeremy tackled her. He forced the old woman into a nearby closet, having seen
Red heading down the road. He took the old womans glasses and night hat to use as a disguise
just as she muttered darkly, There is a hunter after you. You better watch out! Ignoring her, he


decided to keep the grandmother hidden in a closet. Maybe he would be able to eat them both.
Red would make a delicious appetizer. Just as Jeremy got situated in bed, Little Red Riding
Hood pushed open the cabin door. Red stepped into the bedroom, setting her basket down on the
night stand. She gave an odd, knowing smile as she crept up closer to him. Jeremy couldnt help
feeling slightly nervous. Did she know something he didnt? My, what big eyes you have, she
mused, reaching into the folds of her sparkly red cloak. Better to see you withJeremys reply
was cut off as horror set in. He could see very well indeed, and what he was seeing now made no
sense. The young girl pulled out a sharp, metal hunting axe. Little Red Riding Hood was the
Little Red let out a malevolent laugh as she brandished her freshly sharpened axe just
inches away from the wolf, having lured him into her perfect trap. The Big Bad Wolf began to
burst into laughter. He laughed so hard that tears fell from his eyes. Rolling off of the comfy bed,
he fell onto his big, hairy knees. Meanwhile, Little Red glared at Jeremy Wolfe, clutching her axe
so tightly that her fingers began to turn white from loss of circulation. The wooly, gray wolf
finally regained his composure and stood back up. He looked Little Red Riding Hood straight in
her narrowed eyes. And what is a little girl like you going to do with a big, heavy axe like that?
I bet you couldnt even lift it over your head without hurting yourself, he chuckled. With a
fierce look on her face, Little Red replied, Oh you poor, naive wolf. You should have never
underestimated me. As soon as the final word left her lips, she ripped off her red, sparkling
cloak and threw it on the ground. Unfortunately for Jeremy, he did not know that Little Red
Riding Hoods cloak was more than a simple hood. The folds of the red cloak contained whispers
of magic. The moment she removed it she transformed into a powerful huntress. In fact, she was
the mightiest huntress the wolf had ever laid his big eyes on. She now stood at least six feet tall
and boasted the most chiseled arms he had ever seen. The wolf knew he had met his match.


Beads of sweat began to roll down his face. Before the mighty huntress could even take a swing
of her hefty axe the wolf bolted for the door. Just inches from the doorway, the terrified wolf got
his feet tangled in Little Reds cloak that she had tossed on the ground. Before he could regain
his balance the wolf fell straight on his face.
Little did Jeremy know, Grandma had escaped from the closet, ready to help Red deal the
last deadly blow. Little Red and her grandma dauntlessly walked towards the helpless wolf.
Jeremy gazed up at the two of them with a petrified look on his face and tried to beg for his life.
Please almighty huntress, I meant no harm. If you let me go I will never..., and before he could
finish his sentence, the huntress lifted her powerful axe above her head and swung with all the
force she had. Blood cascaded from the laceration on Jeremys neck. Grandma looked at Red and
jokingly said, Boy, do we have a mess to clean up now. They both chuckled. He really didnt
know who he was messing with. He fell right into our trap, Little Red uttered. Red and her
grandmother drug the carcass into the backyard. They each grabbed a shovel and began to dig.
Once the hole was about four feet deep, they rolled Jeremy Wolfes bloody body into the shallow
grave and began to cover it with dirt. After what felt like forever, Red wiped the sweat off of her
forehead, and her grandma tossed the last little bit of dirt over the hole. Little Red Riding Hood
gave her grandmother a hug and thanked her for her help. Before heading on her way, Red ran
back into her grandmas house to grab her red, sparkly cloak. She threw it over her shoulders and
transformed back into a sweet, innocent looking girl with beautiful golden locks. Goodbye
grandmother. I must run along now. I believe there are three bears that have something that
belongs to me, Little Red Riding Hood called out as she skipped out the door and headed down
the leaf covered road. W.C. 1463

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