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Sarah Linerode
Professor Jizi
UWRT 1104-007
01 November 2016

Mueller, Steve. "The Meaning of Success and How to Define Success in

Life." Planet

of Success. N.p., 18 Aug. 2016. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.

In Mr. Muellers article he writes about what success is and how success and
accomplishment are often associated with each other. He claims that success is the status
of having achieved and aim objective. He also claims that success can look like a
particular social status or an amount of wealth. In the article he talks about how everyone
is different and everyone has different goals that they are trying to achieve therefore
every ones idea of success is going to be different. He also mentions in the article about
media and that our society claims success as this extraordinary things but the reality is,
is that success is a happy life. To conclude his article he touches on the word
accomplishment and says that an accomplishment is when you reach a specific goal and
that success is the outcome of an achievement.
While reading this article a few things came to mind. The idea that setting goals
will lead to achievements and that achievements will lead to success was interesting to
me because goals are simply something you are striving to do. Therefore when you are
going through your day to day life as long as you are setting goals, some big and some
small, you will be able to achieve things that will make you successful at the end of the

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day. If you break down this article you will find that you simply need to begin to set goals
and start to work towards achieving them to discover what success looks like for you.
After reading the article I was left wondering if this extraordinary life is what media
and social media is claiming then what are our young people expecting from themselves
and what kinds of unrealistic goals are they setting?
This article comes from a blog post that was written by a man names Steve
Mueller. Steve is a graduate student who is passionate about improving individuals lives.
Some blogs are not credible because of the lack of security and the lack of unbiased
writing but would argue that this blog is credible because there are rules for his writing.
His rules are: Dont create a cult, Dont force readers into given directions, Be
responsible, Be honest, Dont gossip, No commercialization, Dont allow external parties
to influence, And finally allow freedom of speech and criticism. Although this author is
not a Harvard Grad who has a big name school and company to back him up I do feel as
though his work is credible because he is the only author in the site, he has concrete
goals that provide security for a potential non-credible source and he is well known and
followed though his blog. Another reason I find his work credible is because he is not
getting paid to write these things. Rather he is writing on topics that hes either
experienced or researched himself.

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