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Name: Samantha Dean

Students could use blogs to get extra help in a subject. Some teachers can add links to their blog to help
his/her students understand a certain subject. Teachers can also add sight words to the blog to help students
know their sight words and the students will know what to study when the teacher asks them to say their
sight words.
For students to reach a LoTi level 4-6 using blogs then they would have to create and/or publish the subject
to a blog or the teacher can add their work to the classroom blog page for the class and the parents to see
and read. This will also be on the Internet so other people would be able to see it and learn something new
from that student.
Grade Level: 1st Grade
Content Area: Science
Technology Used (check all that apply):
Website Creation Tool (list):
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:
S1L1. Students will investigate the characteristics and basic needs of plants.
a. Identify the basic needs of a plant.
1. Air
2. Water
3. Light
4. Nutrients
c. Identify the parts of a plantroot, stem, leaf, and flower.
Brief Description of Learning Experience:
The learning standard will be to investigate the characteristics and basic needs of plants. Students can
be put into groups and each group will have a different part of the plant they will have to research
and then make a blog about what they have learned from class and homework.
The project will be introduced by playing a BrainPop Jr. video then the teacher can put the students
into groups and each group will get to research the different parts of a plant and what each part of
the plant does. The audience will be the students in the classroom or the school and the parents
would care about the project. The audience could be the class, the parents, or even the whole school.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):






Student Engagement/Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): The LoTi level for this lesson would
be level 3 infusion and level 4 integration. I say level 3 because it is still teacher directed but students can
be explorers around their environment looking for different flowers and other parts of the plant. I also say
level 4 because students can use different types of technology but they also have a voice in what flowers or
other parts of the plant they choose to talk about or look for.
Importance of technology:
Website-creation tools are critical to a project because it will help students get interested in a subject. They
will want to do the project if it is dealing with technology. We live in an age technology where you
everything you have and do is dealing with technology. No, the project would not be completed without
this technology because I could have students visit my blog page and click on websites. This would be how


I could introduce a lesson to them before coming to class the next day. For example, I could use BrainPop
Jr. to introduce Parts of a Plant and the basic needs of a plant.
Inspiration (optional):
I would use BrainPop Jr. to introduce parts of a plant to the students.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Some possible issues surrounding internet safety are students going
to websites they are not supposed to go to or talking to someone over the internet. This can cause safety
concerns for the student. Most schools have filters on their school computers that block harmful content so
students can not go to certain websites. I would give the students the links they need to go to so I do not
have to worry about them going to a website that is unsafe.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity.
I have never made a blog before this class so I learned how to make blogs. I hope I can use blogs in my
classroom to keep parents updated with what their children are doing in the classroom. This will help the
parents get their children ready for the next class and hopefully get them excited to learn.
Other comments about your proposed activity: No other comments.

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