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Florida Voters Given Registration Extension

JACKSONVILLE, FLA., Oct. 12, 2016 Florida voters were given six more days to
register to vote because of Hurricane Matthew.
All 67 county election supervisors must accept applications from new voters
until 5 p.m. on Oct. 18, and forms must be accepted if they are postmarked by that date,
even if they arrive days later, Outreach Director for the Duval County Supervisor of
Elections Greg Clark said.
Florida Gov. Rick Scott had ordered 1.5 million residents to evacuate their homes
during the storm so some Florida residents didnt get a chance to register to vote.
"No right is more precious than having a voice in our democracy," U. S. District
Judge Mark Walker wrote in the three-page order.
"Hopefully it is not lost on anyone that the right to have a voice is why this great
country exists in the first place, Walker said.
Early voting will take place Oct. 24 through Nov. 6. There are 17 early voting
sites in Duval County.
We want to be sure that every voters intent is captured accurately and that each
voter has a fair chance to cast his or her ballot, Clark stated.



Everyone now has an equal opportunity to exercise his or her right to vote. If an
individual has yet to register, head over to by Oct. 18
because Duval votes matter.


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