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Lesson Plan Assignment

Drake Sheys
Knowing your rights
Ninth grade
Need textbook and or online resource. Will also need worksheets to fill out or spare paper
depending on class.
The goal is for the student to learn the rights of the constitution granted to every citizen, and for
those students to interpret those rights for what they mean for them.
The student will look through the amendments of the constitution and decipher what at least 10
of those mean to him and an artistic and presentful way.
Instructional procedure: Students will start the day by taking their seats, after greetings I will
begin by asking what amendments do they know and why do they think they are important, after
which I will proceed to instruct them on their assignment and begin the lecture on the material.
After the lecture I will hand out the worksheet or tell students to open up their books depending
on the class. After they have their written material ready I will tell them to look at the
amendments and define on the paper or worksheet ten of them that they think are the most
important. After that then I will have them make a poster or their own form of visual
representation to present to the class for tomorrow.
Closure: See the students progress and if applicable present what they made that day or hang up.
But for a exit ticket make sure they can put down at least two admendents and what they mean.

Adaptions to meet individual Needs: Needs will vary based on the child, if there are any ones in
peculiar to note they will be noted here. The assignment is group work so there should be another
student to help out someone that lacks in any area due to a disability.

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