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Elizabeth Hasenkamp

Professor Leslie Drake

LAS 13525
20 September 2016
Is Hearing Loss in Young Adults Caused by Loud Music?
A habit and hobby others so often take for granted is one of the simplest, listening to
music and our ears. The young adults in our society so often are listening to music walking to
class, working out in the gym, or maybe even at their desk. These adolescents do not take in to
consideration the health and harm committed on the ears by listening to music. It has become so
common that people tend to forget the harm they are enduring on the only listening devices on
their bodies. It can take fifteen minutes alone at a one hundred decibels sound to permanently
harm both your ears and your hearing. The more information and knowledge one can attain to
help understand the importance of their hearing will only benefit their health and wellbeing.
This proposed essays purpose is to inform the young adolescents knowledge about their
hearing and the damages being done while listening to loud music. It will begin by stating the
multiple different ways ears and hearing can be damaged, along with the venues that do as well.
This will be followed by the types of damages done and how to prevent these injuries. The
information and statistics will be drawn from personal research from scholarly articles regarding
damages to the ear from loudly played music and other noises. The qualification I possess to
carry out this research is the study of my undergraduate degree in Exercise Science at Ottawa
University, at which I later plan to become an audiologist. My point of view on this research is

different from others because I have firsthand knowledge and a background in hearing loss. I
understand what hearing loss can do for someone, or rather the lack of.

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