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Elizabeth Hasenkamp

20 September 2016
Research Outline

Is Hearing Loss is Young Adults Caused by Loud Music?

1. Introduction- Introduce my topic, why it is important to my future career
2. Body #1: State the devices and places that are damaging ears
a. What normal dB amount should be compared to what a large population is using
i. 0-30 dB: softest sound, whisper in a library
ii. 40-60 dB: normal communicative sound, typewriter, sewing machine
iii. 105 dB: Earbud headphones at max
iv. 110- 120dB: Rock Music Concert
v. 1150dB: In front of concert speakers
b. What venues will hurt your hearing the most.
i. Concerts
ii. Musicians- both vocal and instrumental
iii. Loud music for a long period of time
3. Body #2: Main Causes and effects of loud music, damages done
a. Loud music (noises in general) damage the tiny hairs inside the inner ear that send
signal to the brain
b. If too traumatic, can cause temporary threshold shift. loud gun shots or
c. Long duration of these sounds cause also cause Noise- Induced Hearing Loss
4. Body #3: Steps to prevent hearing loss from music at a young age
a. Ear protection
i. Plugs (particularly custom made)
b. When listening to music
1. Turn down volume, if you have earphones or earbuds in, no one
else should be able to hear the music.
2. Shorten the duration at which you are listening to it.
3. Stand at least 10 feet away from speakers at a concert
c. Take breaks
1. For every 30 minutes in a loud noise take a silent break for about
10 minutes to give your ears time to recover
d. Avoid alcohol and/or drugs

1. These may cause you to lose feeling so when the music gets too
loud, you do not notice until damage is already done.
5. Conclusion- Close my thoughts
a. Wrap together my thought from the beginning with the research information
b. It can happen to anyone at any age, it is just a matter of care and prevention.
c. I am technically a victim of hearing loss from music, but have damage to my
ear/hearing and understand it is much more vital than others realize.

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