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Tyler McKee, Adam Johnston, Hannah Williams

September 17, 2016

Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes: Grade 9-10
Description of the Activity: The class will have been previously lectured on the differences and
similarities of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Using their notes, students will work in groups
of twos to create a venn diagram in order to compare and contrast the two types of cells. The
students will then share their results with the class.
Objective: The student will analyze the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells by
comparing and contrasting their cellular parts.
Common Core Standard: Strand 4: Concept 1: PO 2
PO 2. Compare the form and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their cellular
Grouping Strategy: The students complete the macromolecule partners grouping activity.
Students will have a notecard with each of the four classes of organic macromolecules written
on it. Students will then walk around the room and ask their classmates if someone would like to
be their protein, carbohydrate, lipid, or nucleic acid partner. Each person can only be one other
persons partner for each macromolecule. Students will have 2 minutes to find all four partners
before returning to their seats.
Think, Pair, Share
For this particular activity, students will sit next to and work with their protein partners. They
will each need their notes, a writing utensil, and a two sheets of paper per group. The students
will have 5 minutes to work in pairs and create two identical venn diagrams and find all the
similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. When the five minutes are
up the students will respond to the verbal cue Males and females by putting their writing
utensils down and giving their attention to the teacher. Then, using a random calling exercise,
each group will be asked to share a similarity or difference between the two cell types. These
results will be copied onto a master venn diagram on the board so that any students who are
missing information can copy it to their diagram.

Check for Understanding: What macromolecule partner will you be working with today?
How many venn diagrams will your group be making?
How much time do you have?
What information can you use to complete this activity?

2 sheets of paper
Writing utensil
Lecture notes

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