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Are you proud to be a citizen of your country?

Multiracial country with a population of 23.27 million.

Various races and religions. Races united. Lives in peace and harmony.
International achievement such as Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA),
Formula One (F1) racing circuit and the Petronas Twin Towers. Attraction to
the tourist. Impact on the economic growth.
Strong leader to lead our country. Refer to Tun Mahathir Mohamed.

Currency stability


As a Malaysian, I am proud being part of multiracial country with a population of

23.27 million for past 57 years decades. Malaysia have been lives in peace and
harmony within the various race and religions inside there. All races are united as
we can see during the festivals season where everyone are celebrating it together
no matter what races we are. Referring to our past Prime Minister Tun Mahathir
Mohamed, we are proud to have a strong capability leader to lead our country. As
we can see various international achievement for Malaysia has been achieved
during his time of reign which indirectly give enormous impact to the economic
growth especially in terms of the investment outlooks.
However beside these inspiring achievement, I believe that the economic growth
also influence to the social issue in Malaysia. Whereby, an international
achievement makes Malaysia known to the world and automatically its attract the
foreigner to come over to Malaysia. These seems a good economic indicators but
we have to bear in mind that, a lot of issues recently happen in our country causes
by some of the foreigner who are intend to use these opportunity by doing
something not good to the citizen. As this will causes lack of security to the citizen
being outside to do their daily activities.
This issues of insecurity makes me worried than be proud when see a lots of
foreigner come over to our country. If this issue havent being rectified by our
government, will the country live in peace and harmony in future?


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