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Aden Worsham

ENC 1001 Comp 1


This class has taught me what it means to write an analysis essay. It taught me how to
read and analyze the workmanship and integrity of a piece of writing. I also learned the
invaluable skill of formatting my response in a legible and comprehensible manner. I now have
the discipline to know when my words should be rich and full of detail, and when they should be
straight to the point. Said discipline will carry over into the rest of my life and help me greatly.
Even though the formatting and grammar lessons i learned were invaluable, knowing how to
manipulate words on paper is the real gain. Just by the words i write and they way i write those
words the reader can come out of my paper with such a vastly different idea or mindset. I can
make the reader feel happy and good about themselves, or i can make sure they feel like
something is wrong and they need to make a change. I can convey my opinion in a manner that
means something more than just spewing beliefs in someones face. These skills will help me in
ways that i may never even realize, but i will always appreciate the fact that grammar and writing
is a key element to success.

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