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Ashley P.

I grew up in Grand Haven, MI with an older brother and my parents. Growing up
minutes away from Lake Michigan brought joy, youthfulness, and adventure to my life. I
was raised in a traditional setting with my parents and brother by my side. The values of
perseverance, responsibility, and faithfulness were instilled in my upbringing from my
parents, grandparents, and everyone who impacted my life. I find these to be three
qualities which every teacher needs to execute in order to be successful.
Throughout my life, many people have molded me into the person I have become. The
most influential people of my life have been my family, especially my Grandma. She has
taught me how to have fun, work for what I want, and always stay positive. I have
admired her dedication to her family and self, and hope I can continue to exhibit those
values she has instilled in me.
Education has always been a top priority in my family. I am thankful for the push they
have given me to become a well-rounded individual. Throughout my public school
years, attending and graduating from college was an expectation. Neither of my parents
graduated from college, so for me to become a first generation student was their goal.
Their push led me to attend Alma College. During my time at Alma College, I have been
given numerous opportunities that have also shaped my life. For example, I was a fouryear member of the nationally ranked Alma College Cheer and STUNT team with which
I was able to travel throughout the country competing in the sport I love. I was also a
member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority where I held various leadership positions and
grew through philanthropic work. A third experience Alma College gave me was the
opportunity to become a teacher. The professors at Alma College made it possible for
me to graduate in five years with three majors and a minor, which I will always be
grateful for.
The experiences I have had throughout my life have shaped my teaching philosophy
through being able to recognize each students potential, and push them to exceed it. I
want my kids to never settle for less than their absolute best, and always give a perfect

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