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Why we crave horror movies

P 521
1. Reflecting on what you know
a. I like science fiction because it allows more diverse story lines. Of all
types of genera science fiction has the most freedom in storytelling.
2. What, according to King, causes people to crave horror movies? What other
reasons can you add to Kings list?
a. One reason is to show that the viewer has no fear and to show that we
3. Identify the analogy King uses in paragraph 3 and explain how it works.
a. King explains that when we are young horror movies bring a special
province of the young. He then explains further that these feelings go
away when people get older.
4. What emotions does society applaud? Why? Which one does King label
anticivilization emotions.
a. Love, friendship, loyalty, kindness are applauded because people are
expected to be polite and civilized and these emotions tend to
maintain the status quo of civilization its self. Some anticivilization
emotions are reactionary and anarchistic.
5. In what ways is a horror movie like a sick joke? What is the dirty job or
effect that the two have in common.
a. Horror movies and sick jokes can sometimes make the views to have a
surprise a laugh or grin out of us even as we recoil from what they are
watching. The dirty job is that the fact the horror movies and sick jokes
appeals to the worst in all of us.
6. King starts his essay which the attention-grabbing sentence, I think that
were all mentally ill. How does he develop this idea of insanity in his essay?
What does King mean when he says, The potential lyncher is in almost all of
us. How does Kings last line relate to the theme of mental illness?

a. From beginning to end King explains that some people do funny things
such as talking to themselves. He explains that there are levels of
insanity. From very low, talking to yourself, or picking your nose on the
bus. To the extreme like Jack the Ripper or Cleveland Torso Murderer.
When he discusses that there is a potential lyncher in all of us he really
means that everyone emotions and fears can get the best of them. The
last line as long as you keep the gators fed relates to mental illness
because individually people need to deal with their emotions.
7. What is Kings tone? Point to particular words or sentences that lead you to
this conclusion.
a. Kings tone is mostly grim and foreboding because he discusses the
emotions of man. When King talks about accepted emotions children a
praised for their good behavior. And when children deliberately do
something bad they receive a spanking.

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