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Pessoas idosas parecem estar em todos os lugares em Cuba, por serem bem vindas em todos os
lugares. Diferente dos cidados em outros pases ocidentais, cubanos deixam bem claro que seus
idosos so parte integral de, e valiosos participantes na vida cultural e social de seu pas. No
incomum, por exemplo, ver geraes de cubanos vivendo juntos sob o mesmo teto.
O sistema mdico socializado do pas impe forte nfase em prover cuidados primrios abrangentes
para os idosos por meio de clnicas localizadas nas vizinhanas em que os idosos vivem. claro,
pessoas idosas so a cara da vida cultural vibrante de Cuba.
Os cubanos idosos so as estrelas do cenrio da msica popular. Visitantes nessa ilha-nao
encontraro msicos de 60, 70 e 80 anos de idade liderando a maior parte das performances de que
mais gostam, enquanto viajam por este pas verdadeiramente musical. Isto um surpreendente e
agradvel - sinal para um americano como eu que cresceu em uma cultura que acredita que
msicos de sucesso so msicos jovens.
Fifteen man were smoking four blocks away from Trump Tower, in New York. A fat and bold man
came in yelling: I just called my lawyer and asked if I could already buy cigars from Cuba. He said
that there is no way to do that. It's all a big joke! The other costumers continued to face their
newspapers, cell phones or any other distractions which would protect them from the boring human
The historic announcement that the United States would normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba
represented the beginning of the end of more than fifty years of American hostility towards the
socialist island. To men in the Tobacco store, however, what mattered was the possibility to (legally)
buy Cuban cigars.
New Cuban and United States embassies were inaugurated under celebration of both countries after
they announced the possibility of restoring diplomatic relations. This announcement was made after
several measures taken by President Obama administration in order to loose restrictions imposed on
the island, allowing travel and trade, educational exchanges as well as remittances to Cuba.
Despite all this celebration, both governments seem to show contradictions that reveals persistent
feeling of suspicion. This suspicions include different aims related to this new relationship. While
American investors seem to be worried about protecting their investments in the island, Cuban
government see US program as a way to interfere in Cuba's international affairs.
The US government tries to deal with these tensions presenting a political conciliative discourse, on
one side; while makes it clear, by the other side, that the embargo against the island will be
suspended only if Cuba respects in human rights.
In Cuba there is a strong debate about the real objectives of US administration. One of the groups
supporting Cuban government says that US agenda is to change Cuba's regime by introducing
liberal ideas through media and Internet.
The diversity of interests between Cuba and the North American government can be seem also in
the agricultural sector. As Cuba needs to import 60 to 70% of all food consumed in the country, it
needs desperately to be self sufficient in food production. However, after 2008 the imports of food
from United States increased very much, leading Cuban government to worry about local
producers. This, Consequently, made food imports from US to decrease 37% in 2015.

Despite all the enthusiasm about Cuban and United States new diplomatic relations, in Miami,
people do not seem to believe that the quarrel between them will finally end.
Castro's regime will not last for ever and with the end of it a new age of free trade with the United
States may begin. This seems to be the destiny of Cuba, which being so close to the United States,
could not be more far from its ideology during the last decades. As a result os US war against the
communism, it was declared an embargo against Cuba during the Cold War. However, since the end
of the conflict, the embargo did not made much sense. Despite that, the embargo persists until the
present day.
Surrounded by old cars and old buildings, with sparkle industries and having an insufficient
production of food, the island seems to be sticked in the 1960's as the regime was not able to
maintain a lively economy in Cuba after the fall of the Soviet Union. But the US embargo seems to
be the major injury to Cuban economy as it prevented the country to export its products to the rest
of the Occidental world, leading the population to remain in extreme poverty for decades.
Isolated, the Fidel's regime searched for commercial partners in the East Europe and also in Asia.
Despite all this isolation, Cuba has a public health system with high technology in cancer treatment
as well as in medical research. The assistance to the population is so efficient that allows the hole
society to have access to high quality medical treatment and also to medication.
As Castro's dictatorship seems to be weaker than ever, the United States is trying to reorganize its
policy related to Cuba aiming to establish free market in the country while tries to destabilize the
regime. The removing of the embargo, which is being discussed in the US Congress, would allow
Cuba to recover its economy. However, the economy overture will not proceed without the total
dismantlement of the regime. But while radical political changes are expected, American investors
are already searching for opportunities in Cuba. An open market to consume American exports
combined with low salaries in Cuba would promote investments in the communist country and
expand America's economy, helping to lift the US economy from the persistent recession since the
2008 economic crisis.
For this reason, the desire of the United States government to reestablish diplomatic relations with
Cuba seems to be only the beginning of the end of an age. The Castro's regime is almost in the end
while this decade may still perceive an enormous change in both countries policies.

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