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November 29, 2016

The Honorable Mitch McConnell

Majority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Harry Reid

Democratic Leader
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Leaders McConnell and Reid:

The Senate Black Legislative Staff Caucus (SBLSC) is a bipartisan staff association that has
represented black Senate staffers since 1977, serving as a professional and social network for
members and a voice for a more inclusive Senate. Recently, our Executive Board commissioned a
Census, a first of its kind survey which attempted to collect data on the number of black staffers
in the Senate and grasp the state of black staffers in the Senate. The results were deeply concerning,
but not shocking. We encourage you to read the attached report, recommendations, and legislative
text establishing an Office of the Chief Diversity Officer. Each Chief of Staff in both caucuses has
been sent a copy of these documents and we have asked them to share with their respective
The December 2015 report on Senate staff diversity from the Joint Center for Economic and
Political Studies highlighted the disparity between the demographic makeup of America and the
representation of the black community in senior Senate roles. Perhaps the most striking data point
from the Joint Center report was the finding that less than 1 percent of the senior staff positions in
the Senate were held by African-Americans. In our Census overall, we found no significant gains
in the number of black staffers and overwhelming disapproval or indifference in the current state
of diversity in hiring and inclusiveness in office environments.
Of the estimated 3,655 Washington based Senate staffers, SBLSC was able to identify
180 black staffers, just 4.9% of the total makeup of DC Senate staffers.
74% of respondents disapproved or were indifferent with regard to how the Senate and
Member offices addressed the needs of black staffers.
After reviewing the data and speaking to our membership, SBLSC made recommendations that
we believe will allow the Senate to take the next leap toward a more diverse and inclusive chamber.
We stand committed to work with you to move the Senate forward. If you would like a more
detailed discussion of our results and recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank
you for your consideration of this matter.
President, SBLSC

Vice President, SBLSC

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