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Elizabeth Fletcher

Dr. Orr
CIED 1003
16 September 2016
Teacher Tube Assignment
Teaching Area: Life Science (focusing on Biology for this assignment)
Standard: Molecules and Cells
Standard 2: Students shall demonstrate an understanding of the structure
and function of cells.
MC.2.B.2 Comparing and contrasting prokaryotes and eukaryotes
This video, the Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Song, meets the state
teaching requirement MC.2.B.2, comparing and contrasting prokaryotes and
eukaryotes. This video is a fun, one minute and forty-three second song
about the difference in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The video includes
exciting animations of the cell types and has them sing a song, explaining
each of their special features. In my classroom, I would use this video as a
way to introduce prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in a light hearted way
before I dove into the meat of the lesson, getting to really specific examples.
The song is really informative and provides a lot of really good information
about each prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, establishing clear differences

between the two. The Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Song is an informative and
attention catching video that will appeal to visual and auditory learners.

Standard: Molecules and Cells
Standard 2: Students shall demonstrate an understanding of the structure
and function of cells.
MC.2.B.9, List in order and describe the stages of mitosis: prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, telophase
This video, Mitosis, discusses the process of mitosis and each of the
steps: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The video has
realistic animations of mitosis and is narrated. This video is really informative
and discusses the process in a way junior high and high schoolers will
understand. Although it is not exciting as the prokaryote vs. eukaryote song,
its highly informational and I feel students would learn a lot from it. I would
use this video in my class after discussing the different steps then ask my
students to watch for each step. This way my students now have a visual to
put with my lecture of the process of mitosis. Since its such a long process,
this video might be lost on the students the first time they see it. However,
after my lecture, this video would help my students visual and fully
understand the process of mitosis.

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