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In Homework Response 4, you should write about one thing that stood out to you in Part Three

of the novel. This should be something that made you curious or which raised questions for you.
You should also write about at least one thing that stood out to you in this set of essays (not one
thing per essay, although you are welcome to write about more than one thing if this is
interesting to you). Remember to be detailed and specific in your response--why did this
particular thing stand out to you? What interests you about it? Where does it lead you as you ask
questions and continue thinking?
Finally, in Homework Response 4, include at least four possible inquiry questions that occurred
you as you were reading for this week.

One thing that stood out to me in part three of the novel was when Alex attempted suicide and
was put into the hospital and was transformed back into his old self. It makes me wonder if the
friends of F. Alexander were part of the whole experiment with Alex.

The essay that stood out to me the most was Language and Social Control. Burgess eventually
created Nadsat, which is the Russian slang for teens. Nadsat is a Russian-English hybrid and is
depicted as a language spoken almost only by teenagers. The narrator is Alex who is the main
communicator of Nadsat throughout the entire novel. Alex teaches the reader Nadsat. This stood
out to me because teenagers today come up with their own slang that adults may not get. We use
sayings that may mean something differently than the official definition. This essay interested me
because when I first started reading this book, I was confused about most of the language.

1. Will hypo-therapy be used more in the future to adjust criminals state of mind?
2. Will the punishment Alex endured be used in the future for criminals who have no
3. Is the government really behind a lot of the things that go on with criminals (as far
as their behavior and mental health)?

4. If someone causes someone else to attempt suicide, should and how should they

be punished?

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