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1. Stand nickel sulfate solution: - Dissolve 447.9 mg NiSO46H2O in 1.000 ml distilled

water 1.00 ml = 100 ug Ni.
2. Hydrochloric acid: - HCL 1.0 N.
3. Bromine Water: - Saturate distilled water with bromine.
4. Ammonium Hydroxide: - NH4OH, Conc.
5. Heptoxime Reagent: - Dissolve 0.1 g 1.2 cyclohepta-nedionedioxime (heptoxime) in 100
ml 95% ethyl alcohol.
6. Ethyl Alcohol:- 95%
7. Sodium Tartrate Solution: - Dissolve 10 g Na2C4H4O6-2H2O in 90 ml distilled water.
8. Methyl Orange Indicator Solution
9. Sodium Hydroxide:- NaOH, 6N
10. Acetic Acid, Conc.
11. Cupferron Solution:- Dissolve 1 g cuperron in 100 ml distilled water. Store in
refrigerator or prepare fresh foreach series of determinations.
12. Chloroform:- CHCl3
13. Hydroxylamine-hydrochloride Solution:- Dissolve 10 g NH2OH HCl in 90 ml distilled
water. Prepare fresh daily.

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