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Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom

South Africa 2520


018 299-1111/2222

21 November 2016
Dear prospective first year
It has come to my attention that there has been a misuse of the whatsapp group created
as a form of communication from SRC: Current Affairs with first year students.
I am therefore forced to put rules and regulations into place which will help with the control
of the group and therefore avoid losing people who actually have an interest of going on
the camp.
Rules and regulations;
1. No conversation will take place on the group between individuals, this group was
created for the sole purpose of giving out information, not private conversations.
2. Inquiries may be asked between 14:00-18:00 ONLY. Only questions relevant to the
camp and NSFAS registration may be asked on this group.
3. Disrespectful comments and insults will not be dealt on the group.
4. Any questions before or after the time made available for conversation may be
referred to either Shasha-lee Van Wyk or Lerato Nylele.
5. Admins have the authority to remove anyone breaking the rules and regulations of
this group and therefore forfeit the opportunity of going on this camp.
6. No one is allowed to change either the display picture of the group, or the name of
the group EXCEPT the admins on the group.
It is important that you as a prospective first years start to follow the instructions given to
you, this allows us to establish a good relationship with you and help you in the best way
I iterate that disrespect and insults will not be allowed. We trust that we will have your full
co-operation in the following weeks to come.
Looking forward to seeing each and every one of you soon. Good luck with the last bit of
exams, remember Success does not lie in results but in efforts. Being the best is not that
important, doing the best is all that matters.

Nicole Jansen
SRC: Current Affairs
082 774 1574

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