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K2 Mountain is located in the Karakorum Range and it is the highest mountain of Pakistan.

is Pakistans first and the worlds second highest peak. It reaches 28250 ft (8,611
meters), and lies partly in china and partly in the Pakistani-administered region of Kashmir. In
1954 the Italians Achille Comagnoni and Line Lacedell become the first climbers to reach its
summit. The glacier and snow-covered mountain rises from its base at about 15000 ft on the
Godwin Austen Glacier, a tributary of the Baltoro Glacier. The first woman who reached the
summit was Wanda Rutkiewicz of Poland, in 1986.
Nanga Parbat Picture

Nanga Parbat is 8,126 meters high and is one of the most challenging mountains in the world
to climb. Commonly known as the killer mountain, Nanga Parbat is second tallest in Pakistan
and 9th highest peak in the world. Situated in the Himalayan Range, Nanga Parbat means naked
mountain. Though associated with tragedies, it is not true that the mountain has not been scaled.
Many mountaineers lost their life on their way to the summit at Nanga Parbat. It was in 1953
that the Nanga Parbat was conquered by Herman Buhl.
Gasherbrum I Photo

Gasherbrum is a remote group of high peaks in the karakoram, located at the northeast end of
the 36-mile Baltoro. There are six Gasherbrum peaks. Gasherbrum is the 11th highest peak in
the world and is the 3rd highest peak in Pakistan with a height of 8080 meters. It is also known
as K5 and Hidden Peak. It is also one of those peaks with least deaths, but this peak is only
tried by experienced mountainers.

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