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Joan garcia
Dr. Sterling
ENGL 1302.208
November 21, 2016
Another Brick In The Wall" By Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd is an english rock band that gained its popularity through its psychedelic music that is
made up of philosophical lyrics which has influenced many young individuals ever since the
group was formed. The band compiles all the daily struggles and failures in the journey of life
and create songs about it with the sole purpose of connecting with its audience. One specific
song called Another Brick In The Wall can create a lot of conspiracies about what the motive
of the whole song is. With its graphic images contained in the music video, it catches the
viewer's attention by creating metaphors that can relate to people who feel like they are just
another person in the world. Throughout the music video and its lyrics, it expresses that
education only forces students to learn what they are taught and to forget being creative and
becoming independent, while others force themselves to block that sense of feeling, causing
them to be shutout from reality.
A boy is shown putting a bullet on the rails of the train trying to stop, however, with no
success the train keeps on moving showing what cargo is on board the train. The kid steps back
in shock as he sees the train carrying people wearing the same with bars holding them back.
After the scene a teacher appears yelling at the boy saying, you, start to learn, illustrating that

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the boy is on the road to becoming like those aboard the train because of education. In a way it
shows a type of foreshadowing since the boy knows what will become of him once he enters
school. Subsequent to the beginning scene, it quickly transitions into several teachers getting up
and walking over to their classrooms, one teacher quickly picks on one kid while writing poetry
while the song goes exposing every weakness. The teacher then starts to read the kids poems
aloud in order to humiliate the student into feeling embarrassed and hopefully forget about his
skill sets and only improve what is taught in school . Giving an example of how teachers strip
them of their creativity in which plays a vital role in being independent. During the chorus the
lyrics state that,we dont need no education, we don't need no thought control, in a reference to
students being controlled by their teacher into obeying every command they give, which causes
them to lack individuality. Of course this only happens when the student chooses to rebel, or as
the song says,dark sarcasm, in which the teacher has full rights to punish the kid in order to
keep in line like the other students.
Sequently to the student getting picked on the atmosphere changes to moving pictures.
These pictures show students in a moving walkway waiting to be passed through a furnace where
they come wearing the same mask and sit on a desk. Demonstrating a metaphor of the furnace
being school where kids enter each having their own unique features, but come out all becoming
the same as the others. Later it shows them marching in sync to one another, representing that
school systems do not want any individuals to stand out from the rest. Due to this method, it is
much more efficiently to control them as a whole rather than one individual at a time. Meanwhile
the teacher is watching the students march yelling, wrong, do it again, indicating that students
are forced to forget what they know and overwrite it with what the schools want individuals to

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learn. Preventing them of being independent and their ability to become innovative thinkers to
create unique ideas.
As the music video progresses, it displays a part where the students are tired of becoming
the same and take off their mask that makes them all the same, or like the song states all in all
youre just a brick in the wall. Causing them to rebel against education in general by destroying
their classrooms and wreaking havoc. Even in the end it shows the students burning supplies as
well as the whole school, they even burn the teacher. All showing that they will not tolerate
becoming simple like their school wants them to. However this all becomes fiction as the images
quickly transition back to where the boy was being picked on by the teacher. Revealing that it
was a fragment of the boys imagination, seeing a vision where students dont have to follow
orders given by the school. This refers to the lyrics in the song all in all it's just another brick in
the wall, where the student sees school as just another problem where it joins the rest of his
complications. This can all cause the individual to create an emotional barrier between them and
reality, feeling as a prisoner in their own fantasies. Therefore referring to the wall created by
the band indicating how education is a false illusion to a better future. Where people are robbed
from their imagination and independence to become a large infrastructure created by our
community to keep us from becoming different, serving the people with real power.
Education is false hope that people are too blindly to see because of their stubbornness
which in return causes them to become easy prey as followers. Another brick in the wall is a
perfect example both visually and audibly because of what the band expresses about how
individuals surrender becoming independent and innovativeness while others cant accept it and
in return block out reality. Pink floyd created a bridge from their images and lyrics to their
viewer/listener by using pathos so that its message they are trying to convey is received by its

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audience. Pink Floyds music is a type of an art that directly impacts the audience in a positive
way. Today the youth are putting in a huge percentage of their time into the music they listen to,
since the type of music being chosen is a factor into shaping the person throughout the years.

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