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The origin of the antelope is much older than we

could imagine. From the time of Eustathius of Antioch
this wild animal, feared by many locals and at that
time was fabulous as those seen on the banks of the
Euphrates, had horns serrated who claimed who saw
it is known they could cut large trees.

The antelope is known to be a completely herbivorous animal. Despite its size

and antler can cause a huge impression, the truth is that this animal does not
attack unless it look completely trapped and has no exit or way out.

The most striking antelope Antelope is the Saltador (marsupials antidorcas),

you can achieve jumps of 15 meters long and 3 meters high in the air, without
any momentum.

Known for their long spiral horns kudu certainly is a beautiful and elegant
antelope, capable of jumping 10 meters long and 2 meters high.

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