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Michael Schaefer

Goals Reflection Paper

11/21/16 9:00

Goals Reflection Paper

Reflecting on my goals from the beginning of my freshman year in
college, a lot has gone well. I can say that I used my goals to keep myself on
track to accomplishment. I wrote them down on the very first page of my
notebook and saved a word document of the goals as well. My short-term
goal was to go to every class unless emergency. I didnt skip that much but
there were two to three times when I didnt show up. I quickly learned that if
I skip it would put me behind and just create more work in the future. I
stopped doing that and it hasnt been a problem since. I guess you could
consider going to class a long-term goal but I wanted to set it as my shortterm goal to get myself going strong into the school year. My Mid-Term goal
was to make sure I kept a balance between school and work. My paychecks
were lower than usual for a little while because I didnt know if the transition
into college was like and how rough it could be on me, so I originally asked
for less hours. I successfully completed this goal and stuck to it as it was
easy for me to do. Recently Ive picked up some more hours now that Im in
the flow of things. My Long-term goal was to get a minimum 3.5 G.P.A.

Although the semester is not quite complete. Im on a pretty good track to

completing that goal.
Setting goals was a good idea that Mrs. Schwartz made us do. It
reminded me every day to keep working hard for that 3.5 G.P.A. or higher. I
never set a lot of goals but made I should start finalizing some more future

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