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Natalie Magda

HON 1000
Dr. DeNicolo
Evaluative Statement

I included my essay that I wrote for the first project we had in our class. The
project was to write a historical essay about a fictional immigrant that we created a story
about, that was based on research about Detroit in the early 19th century. I decided to
write the story from the point of view from a polish immigrant, especially because my
parents are both from Poland. This assignment helped me greatly, not only through
learning about Detroit in the early 19th century, but also how to write historical fiction
based on actual events and facts. This was a challenging creative assignment that
blended creativity and research. I decided to include this item in my portfolio because I
am very proud of it. It helped me develop my skill of creative writing, and research.
Resulting from the extensive research I conducted on this paper, I believe that I have
gained great knowledge about the research process itself. I learned about the
importance of thorough research and analysis of said research. This helps me achieve
my professional goals because I would like to be involved in research one day, and this
essay helped me develop my skills as a researcher and a writer.

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