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Wendt, Volker: Die Schaffung der Europischen Wirtschafts- und Whrungsunion: Spill-over und intentionale
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Rittberger, Berthold und Schimmelfennig ,Frank; Integrationstheorien: Entstehung und Entwicklung der EU, in:
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Martin Griffits, Steven C. Roach, and M. Scott Solomon, "Constructivism," Fifty Key Thinkers in International
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*: Nicholas Onuf, World of Our Making: rules and rule in social theory and international relations; South
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Nelsen, B, Stubb, A; The European Union: Readings on the theory and

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Thomas Risse and Kathryn Sikkink; The socialization of international human rights norms into domestic practices:
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Schimmelfennig, Frank, The Community Trap: Liberal Norms, Rhetorical Action, and the Eastern Enlargement
of the European Union, International Organization 55(1), 2001; p. 79


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Sjursen, Helene; Why Expand? The Question of Legitimacy and Justification in the EUs Enlargement Policy,
Journal of Common Market Studies 40(3), 2002; pp. 501
: Rieker, Pernille; EU Security Policy: Contrasting Rationalism and Social Constructivism; Norwegian
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Ayanoglu, T. Sila; The Evolution of ESDP: Recent Political Developments and Social Constructivism ; The
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1. Ayanoglu, T. Sila; The Evolution of ESDP: Recent Political Developments and Social
Constructivism; The University of Lund; 2007.
2. Bache, Ian; Theories of European integration; in: Ian Bache, Stephen George, and
Simon Bulmer; Politics in the European Union; Oxford, February 2011
3. Buzan, Barry, Wver, Ole, Wilde, D. Jaap, Security: A New Framework for Analysis,
Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers 1998;
4. Fabbrini, Sergio; Intergovernmentalism and its outcomes; The implications of the





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6. Griffits, Martin /Steven C. Roach, and M. Scott Solomon, "Constructivism," Fifty Key
Thinkers in International Relations; London and New York: Routledge, 2009
7. Howard, Leigh; The European Union: Supranational or Intergovernmental?

Recount and Analysis of Both Schools of Thought.Australian and New Zealand

Journal of European Studies, 2009.
8. Hoffmann, Stanley: Obstinate or Obsolete? The fate of the nation-state and the case of
Western-Europe, in: Daedalus, Nr. 95, 1966.
9. Hill, Christopher / Smith Michael; International Relations and the European Union,
New York: Oxford; 2005.
10. Hix, Samuel; the Political System of the European Union, Macmillan, 1999.

11. Maurer, Andreas; Vom Verfassungs Zum Reformfertrag; Diskussionspapier, Stiftung

Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin 2007.
12. Melchior, Josef; Intergouvernementalismus, liberaler Intergouvernementalismus,
Neofunktionalismus und Institutionalismus als Erklrungsmodelle der EU Integration;
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Wachsender Euroskeptizismus Anatomie

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6, 12, 2010.
14. Nelsen, Brent / Stubb, Alexander; The European Union: Readings on the theory and
Practice of European Integration. Palgrave-Macmillan. 2004.
15. Rittberger, Berthold/Schimmelfennig, Frank ; Integrationstheorien: Entstehung und
Entwicklung der EU, in: Holzinger / Knill/ Peters /Rittberger /Schimmelfenning/
Wagner; Die Europische Union; Theorien und Analyzekonzepte. Schningh, 2005.
16. Rieker, Pernille; EU Security Policy: Contrasting

Rationalism and Social

Constructivism; Norwegian Institute of International Affairs; 2004.

17. Risse, Thomas / Sikkink, Kathryn; The socialization of international human rights
norms into domestic practices: introduction; in: The Power of Human Rights:
International Norms and Domestic Change; Edited by Thomas Risse, Stephen C.
Ropp, and Kathryn Sikkink; Cambridge University Press; 1999.
18. Risse, Thomas; Social Constructivism and European Integration, in Wiener, Antje Diez, Thomas (eds.) European Integration Theory; Oxford: Oxford University Press;
19. Sjursen, Helene; Why Expand? The Question of Legitimacy and Justification in the
EUs Enlargement Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies 40(3), 2002;
20. Schmidt, Susanne K; Liberalisierung in Europa; Die Rolle der Europischen
Kommission; Frankfurt/Main; New York: Campus Verlag, 1998.

21. Schimmelfennig, Frank, The Community Trap: Liberal Norms, Rhetorical Action,
and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union, International Organization
55(1), 2001.
22. Wendt, Volker, Die Schaffung der Europischen Wirtschafts- und Whrungsunion:
Spill-over und intentionale Entscheidung?

Eine Analyse fr Deutschland und

Frankreich, Brssel, April 2002.

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