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Erika McCool
October 12, 2016
My Dream Vocation
For my research proposal I will be exploring the honorable profession of bee keeping. In
order to probe deeper into this odd job, I need to ask myself some questions that will keep me
organized and structured. I will be asking myself, how will my career as a bee keeper, bring
meaning to my life and better the lives of others, as a way to explore further into my dream
By partaking in this research, I hope to gain knowledge and insight on my career plans
for the future and how these plans will affect me for the rest of my life. Specifically, I want to
know if bee keeping would be a viable career or if it would be more of a past time or hobby. I
also hope to learn if there are any educational requirements to do this job. Perhaps I would need
to change my major from psychology to either biology or entomology. These are all things I hope
to discover as my research progresses.
Coming into this project I have my own prior beliefs and assumptions about my dream
profession. To me, bee keeping is a very honorable career choice due to the current bee crisis in
the United States. Bee keeping means putting in a lot of hard work and long hours in order to
benefit the environment. In order to do this job, I must be willing to accept a low salary in
exchange for doing a job that is extremely heartwarming.

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