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Family Engagement


Whom it may Concern:


Saul B. Torres/Facilitator Family Engagement


November 18, 2016


Letter of Recommendation

I would like to recommend Chris I. Maldonado for any opening you organization that
would involve substitute teaching. He worked as a tutor at Clardy Elementary and did a
wonderful job with the third grade students. He always followed through with all of the
educational guidelines that pertain to this special age group.
He demonstrated
outstanding self-motivation in terms of following thought with the students who needed
extra help by using any and all instructional tools in order for them to master the subject
matter. Most importantly he provided them these additional academic resources in a
very professional and caring manner. His experience in working with the instructional
team at Clardy will be priceless asset that can help any organization. Feel free to call me
should you need more information.
Saul B. Torres
Saul B. Torres

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