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From :
Date : 11 November 2016
Time : 9.00 p.m.
Subject : Places of interest on the way to Kuala Gandah Sanctuary
Dear Wijaya,
How are you? I hope you are doing well. Im glad that you wanted to visit Kuala Gandah
Sanctuary. I will mention three places not to be missed here. Dato Bentara Orchard is great as you will
get to taste the local fruits. Al-Azim Mosque is fantastic as the dome is made of crystal. Maxwell Hill
is a must as you will get to see breathtaking view at the hilltop. Thats all, write back soon.
Your friend,
(80 words)

Dear Wijaya,
I discovered that Kuala Gandah Sanctuary is a great place to visit. I would recommend three
places for you to visit during you trip here. Gandah Waterfall is an awesome place as the water is cool
and refreshing. Maxwell Hill is popular with the scenic hilltop view as you get to see the whole place.
Pak Mails Hut is great place to sit down for some refreshments at the foot of the hill. Bye for now.
(79 words)
Informal letter
98, Taman Seri,
Jalan Murni,
84000 Muar,

11th November 2016

Dear Wijaya,
How are you? I hope you are doing great. I will tell you about three interesting places
you can visit on the way to Kuala Gandah Sanctuary.
If you love fruits, Im sure youll love Dato Bentara Orchard. There are a lot of local
fruits and now is the right season. Youll enjoy them very much. Then, you can make a stop at
Gundah Waterfall for a picnic. Youll enjoy the refreshing waterfall while youre swimming
there. Later, you can visit the Maxwell Hill. Here you can enjoy the beautiful scenery from the
top of the hill.
Hope to hear from you soon. Bye.

Your friend,

Formal Letter
You and your classmates will visit Kuala Gandah Sanctuary accompany by four
teachers. Write a formal letter to the manager to ask permission to visit the sanctuary.

Johan bin Ashari

SK Seri Jaya,
Jalan Murni,
84000 Muar, Johor.
11th October 2016
Encik Rahman bin Ismail
The Manager of Kuala Gandah Sanctuary,
Jalan Haji Ali,
81220 Rompin,

Dear Encik Rahman,

Permission to visit Kuala Gandah Sanctuary
I am writing to inform you that our school would like to make a visit to Kuala Gandah
Sanctuary. The visit will be on Saturday, 12 th November 2016. There will be 40 pupils with 4
teachers to accompany them.
We are hoping that the pupils will join all the activities prepared at the sanctuary like
helping to prepare the food for the elephants and feed them. I hope you will consider the
safety of the pupils too while they are doing the activities prepared.
I hope to get a reply from you soon.

Your sincerely,
(Johan bin Ashari)


Dear Wijaya,
How are you? I hope youre doing well. Here are three


places you can visit at Kuala Gandah Sanctuary.

You can go to Gandah Waterfall. Youll fascinate
with the view. Its really amazing. Then, you can go the
Pak Mails Hut. Youll enjoy the fruits very much. Its really

23 Sukarno

mouthwatering and scrumptious. Lastly, you can go

to Indah Hot Spring. Its really relaxing and Im sure youll
love to indulge yourself in it.
Thats all from me. Bye

Your friend,

( 78 words )


Johan :

How are you Wijaya?

Wijaya :

Im fine, thank you. Johan, Ill go to Kuala Gandah Santuary in December.

Do you know any interesting places for me to visit there?

Johan :

Yes, I do. Here are the places you can go. You can go to Gandah Waterfall.
Youll fascinate with the view. Its really amazing. Then, you can go the Pak
Mails Hut. Youll enjoy the fruits very much. Its really mouthwatering and
scrumptious. Lastly, you can go to Indah Hot Spring. Its really relaxing and
Im sure youll love to indulge yourself in it.

Wijaya :

Thank you Johan for your information.


Good morning fellow friends. Im Siti from SK Bakti. Today, I would like to
talk about interesting places in Kuala Gandah.
There are three captivating places such as the Gandah Waterfall, Indah
hot Spring and Al Azim Mosque. Gandah Waterfall is a place where we can relax
and admire the nature.
Next, we must rejuvenate our body by soaking in the Indah Hot Spring.
Finally, we can appreciate the beauty of Islamic architecture at the Al Azim
Mosque. Thank you.


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