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Ones life is always about challenges and success.

The cycle never stops and people

get used to it. After every hardship, we can see and achieve success. And there
always those people whom you look after to take hard and work harder to always be
at the top. Each and every one of us have our own inspiration to keep moving on.
Some may identify these as heroes, but as for me they are known to be my parents
who never fail to support and guide me throughout my entire life.
My mother was the one who support our family financially. She left our country
(Philippines) when I was 5 years old. With my bare mind, I hated her for leaving us. I
didnt write letters for her, I didnt ask any questions about her, I didnt ask if she
fine there. I dont even care for her that time because I thought she left us and she
will never come back anymore. It just when I started my high school that I realized
what she did was for us to be able to live and have a better life. That was the time I
admire her a lot. She is the strongest, most adorable, most patient and the most
dedicated woman I ever known. She was able to pass through those days that she
missed us, those days that she ever wanted to hug and kiss us. She conquered
every obstacle just to make sure that see can provide all are needs. One thing I
admire about her was the fact that she managed to raise us as good individuals who
have good values and who have strong faith.
My father played a very vital part when my mom was away. He served as the father
and at the same time the mother of the family. He was the one who looked after us.
He was the one who accompany me in my first day in school. He was the one who
taught me how to do my home works. He helped me with all my school projects. He
was the one who accompany me in my camping, school competitions and tryouts.
He was the one who taught me what is good and what is wrong. He helped me to be
a better person. And with that I admire him so much. I adore his everlasting love
and faithfulness to his family.
I am very grateful to have them as my parents and always will I be.

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