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I met with my mentor, Kristie, and asked her a couple interview questions about how she views
gender roles. We went through what I would need to do in order to get my project started. She
said she understood, that next time we get together we will start asking people random
questions their views on what a male or female should do.
We went downtown and asked random people how they felt about dressing up in clothes that
werent originally meant for their gender. I asked what gender they considered themselves, and
how they were raised.
I went with some of my friends to a regular store like Target and Walmart. I asked them to dress
up in the opposite gender clothes, and to walk around the store in them. The looks from some of
the customers were degrading and rude. Some people smiled and commented on being unique.
It goes to prove that some people are more accepting than others.
I went back to the same friends who had dressed up and asked them how they felt when they
got the looks from the people who thought it was stupid. They said it was hurtful, but not
towards them. They felt bad for the people who really are trying to be unique and that there are
really people who are rude in this way.
I showed the pictures I took of them to people who were just walking and asked how they felt
about it. Most people said that they were a disgrace to this society, and that they should do
some kind of shock therapy to change the way they are. Some others were happy that people
were celebrating that some people lived.

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