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In 1895, Beard faced charges for killing trespassers on his

property in Beard v. United States. Beard claim self defense but the
trial court said the claim was not appropriate, and that Beard
shouldve retreated before taking a life. This case made it to the
Supreme Court, and believed that Beard was justified in his actions.
Beard had the right to protect his own property, and should not
retreat, but may repel force with force in defense of his person or

Cases such as Beard v. United states causes a lot of
and the public begins to scrutinize the Castle Doctrine. The Castle Doctrine
is originally used by the English, gives citizens the right to use lethal or
deadly force against intrusion. The U.S. adopted this idea and began to
adjust it from its original form of retreating before using any force, while
other states kept it. As stated before the public believes that the owner
should retreat before using any force while others believe that force is the
first and only option!

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