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Chloe Nanos

Teacher Tube Assignment
The video is called Text to self
2:42 minutes long
The video explains what a text to self connection is and it gives an example of what a text to self
connection is.
1. With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events,
ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
2. I would use this video to teach a lesson by first explaining to my class the three different
types of textual connections. After briefly explaining text to text, text to world, and text to
self, I would play this video for the students. The reason I would use this video is because
it does a good job of clearly explaining the information and it gives a real life example. I
think the example is important because it shows the students exactly what they need to
know. By using this video in a lesson the students will better understand the subject, and
receive the information from a source other than the teacher.
The second video is called Run ons and Fragments
3:47 minutes long
This video explains what run on sentences and fragmented sentences are, and how to correct

1. Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of
2. I would use the information about sentence structure that this video provided to teach my
students how to properly form a sentence. Teaching this information in elementary school
is important because students will need to know this for the rest of their lives. At the
beginning of the lesson I would explain what a run on sentence and a fragment is. Then I
would play the video so that the students gain a greater understanding of how to correctly
construct a sentence. Using this video is helpful because the information is presented to
the students in a fun and exciting way.

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